Oh.. Okay... (Aaron x Fem!Reader) | Pdh

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Note:​​​​​ Aaron and Aphmau are not friends at the start​ of this one shot but they become friends later in it.

Y/n's P.O.V

"Can you try and make at least one friend?" I asked my best friend, Aaron. He rolled his eyes at me, "I already have a friend, you."

I rolled my eyes. "Apart from me," I sighed. I looked around and saw a girl with raven hair sitting at a table on her own. "Hmm... What about her?" I asked, gesturing to the raven haired girl.

Aaron sighed, "Do I have to?" I nodded as he turned and walked over to her. I smiled as he started to talk to her.


It had been a few days since I had told Aaron to go and talk to that girl and they have became very close pretty fast. I think the girl's name was Aphmau but I wasn't to sure.

Anyways, I got into the car after school and my mom looked at me with a sad glance. "What?" I asked her, worriedly.

"Y/n dear, we have gotten word that we have to move to the new house," my mom said sadly. That's right, we have to move house because of my dad's work or something, I wasn't to sure.

I looked at the floor, "When are we leaving?" My mom took a deep breath before answering. "Tomorrow... tomorrow after school..." she said.

"Tomorrow?!" I cried, lift my head up. She nodded, "Tomorrow will be your last day in this school, so I'd say all of your goodbyes before I come and pick you up at 12."

I nodded. I didn't want to leave, I loved this place. I was going to miss everyone here, especially Aaron, I did have feelings for him after all.

I was going to tell him! Tomorrow before I left, I was going to tell him! No excuses!

Tomorrow was the day.

It was 11:50, ten minutes until my mum picked me up. I hadn't seen Aaron all day but I was going to find him and tell him!

I walked around the hallways, looking for him when I heard his voice around the corner. I smiled before peaking around.

I saw him there, but he wasn't alone... he was with Aphmau and they... they kissed! I felt tears fill my eyes.

He liked her, he didn't like me, he liked her. The school bell rang for twelve o'clock and I rushed out the school doors.

My mom was outside waiting for me so I quickly got in the car and closed the door.

"Oh sweet heart, good news!," my mom began. "Me and your father decided that you didn't have to move with us and you can st-"

"No Mom! Go! I want to get out of here! I want to go to a new school with new friends!" I cried, cutting her off.

My mom looked at me, shocked. "But sweetheart, what about Aar-"

"I don't care about Aaron! I want to leave here! I want to go, now!" I cried. My mom nodded and started the car.

We slowly moved past my old school as I looked at it for the last time.

"I won't regret this" I thought to myself.

Aphmau One Shots! | x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now