Killing For Love (Laurance x Evil!Fem!Reader) | Mcd

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Y/N's P.O.V

That night at Donna and Logan's wedding, that was the night when Grace and Laurance first kissed. Everyone cheered, accept me. Rage was bubbling inside me. 'Grace has to go' I thought to myself with an evil smirk. And that's what happened.


It was finally Grace's turn to patrol around the village. It was pitch dark at night, it was my chance, it was my chance to kill Grace.

She walked around the village, making sure everything was safe. She was one of the best guards in the village which meant she was going to be pretty hard to kill.

I tried to sneak up on her and slash her with my sword, but she heard me coming and turned to me making us clash swords. I guess she is a pretty good guard, always ready to whip out her sword.

"Y/n? What are you doing?" She asked in a shocked tone. I couldn't tell her what I was trying to do because then she would always be ready. Instead, I made up a lie.

"I- er... just decided to go for a walk and... erm... I saw someone walking around and thought they were up to something but it turns out it was you. Heh heh," I giggled nervously.

"Uh huh?" Grace said, not really buying it. "Anyways, I have to continue my patrol. Maybe you should get back home and get some rest, you do seem tired," Grace said as she pulled her sword away from mine.

She turned around and went to continue patrolling the village. "I'm not going anywhere until I complete my mission," I growled to myself.

Grace shot around, raising her eyebrows at me. "Mission?" She questioned. I nodded as I slashed my sword at her, she quickly blocked it and pushed me backwards.

"Y/n! What are you doing?!" Grace cried. "You stole the only person in my life that I loved! So now I'm going to kill you!" I screamed at her.

Grace's eyes widened. "You like Laurance?" She cried as I slashed my sword at her again. "Of course I do! Isn't it obvious?! But you stole him from me, so now your going to die!" I screamed.

Grace blocked my shots and sent be flying backwards against the wall. That's when I noticed that bandage on the top of her left arm. Dante had told me what had happened to her when they were kids, all I had to do is get one slash at that and she'd be in too much pain to fight back.

An evil smirk spread across my face as I lifted myself off the ground. I ran over, swinging my sword at her when I noticed Laurance standing to my right.

"Laurance!" Grace called out to him. That's when I saw my chance, and I took it. I slashed my sword across the bandage on her heft arm causing her to fall to her knees, screaming in pain.

"Grace!" I heard Laurance call from behind me. I know this was going to hurt him, but it's what it takes to win him over. That's when I sliced my sword into Grace's chest. She screamed in pain for a moment before falling to the ground.

"GRACE!" Laurance screamed from behind me as he ran over to her body. He picked her up from the pool of blood that surrounded her as his eyes filled with tears.

"Y/n! How could you?!" He screamed at me as tears streamed down his face. I wave of guilt flew over me.

"Laurance, I did it for us, so we could be together," I explained. "So you killed the love of my life?!" He screamed.

The love of his life? So he really did love her. "Laurance, I love you an-" "I don't care if you love me! You killed the only woman I loved! I don't love you, I hate you!" He yelled.

I stopped. That hurt, it really did, to know that the man I love hates me more than anyone else in the world.

That's when Aphmau came rushing over. "What happened?!" She cried kneeling down beside Grace. "Y/n, killed her, just because she wanted me all to herself," Laurance sobbed.

Aphmau looked down at Grace as tears filled her eyes. "Grace," she said softly before standing up and turning to me.

"Y/n L/n, you are hereby banished from Phoenix Drop, forever!" Aphmau cried. My eyes widened. "But-" "No buts! You killed my best friend and Laurance's girlfriend just because you were jealous of her! That is unacceptable! Now go! And never return here!" Aphmau yelled.

So that's what I did. I turned around and walked though the gates of Phoenix Drop. And never did I pass through them ever again. 

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