Immortality (Gene x Fem!ShadowKnight!Reader) | Mcd

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Third Person P.O.V

War had come upon Phoenix Drop, many people had died or were badly injured. Y/n, one of the best guards, in Phoenix Drop, watched the man she loved, Laurance Zahvl, protect the one person she hated most in the world. Grace Brosna.

Y/n hated Grace because Laurance loved her, instead of loving Y/n. She grew jealous of Grace until it came to the point where she hated her.

Y/n was caught off guard and stabbed in the stomach by one of the enemy's guards. She fell to the ground in pain as Laurance came rushing over to her.

"Y/n! Are you okay?" Laurance asked, worriedly. "Oh so you care about me now?" Y/n chocked out. Laurance raised an eyebrow, "What?" Y/n tried to speak but she couldn't.

Laurance noticed that Y/n was choking, before her eyes turned grey and she stopped breathing. A tear pricked Laurance's eye but he wiped it away and continued to fight for Phoenix Drop.

Y/n's P.O.V

"You okay?" Asked a voice behind me as I looked across the nether. I had become a shadow knight after Laurance killed me. I was a shadow knight that was still looking for its immortality.

I knew the person that I was going to kill to get it. Laurance Zahvl. Yes, I once loved him but after he killed me, my feelings for him were gone.

I also knew someone else that I was going to kill. Grace Brosna. I hated her with my whole heart, and I would do anything to get rid of her.

I turned around to see Gene stanind behind me. I smiled. "Yeah, I'm fine," I said before looking back over the nether.

Gene stood beside me, looking at the view of the nether we had from here. "Are you ready to kill Grace and Laurance?" Gene asked. I nodded.

Gene had the same hatred for Grace as I had, so he was going to help me kill her. After being around Gene for a while, I can't help but have feelings for him, especially with everything that he is going to help me with.

"Let's go and attack Phoenix Drop then," Gene smirked as we went on our way to the nether portal.

We arrived at the nether portal and went through. The portal brought us into Brightport and all the guards surrounded us as we came out.

We fought our way through before arriving in Phoenix Drop. We stood on the wall and I smirked as I saw Grace and Laurance walk down the path, hand in hand.

Gene and I jumped off the wall, drawing my sword and ran up behind them. They heard me coming and turned around but it was too late for them, I had already stabbed my sword into Laurance's back.

Laurance fell to his knees, gasping for air. "LAURANCE!" Grace screamed as she cradled him in her arms.

"Grace..." he chocked out as Grace's eyes filled with tears. I smirked as I watched them, I was finally going to have my immortality once Laurance died.

Next thing I knew, his eyes had gone grey and he had stopped breathing. "LAURANCE! NO!" Grace screamed as she lay her head on his chest and cried.

I smirked as Gene walked up beside me. "Ready for part two?" He asked me and I nodded. Grace stood up from Laurance's corpse, wiping away her tears.

"Y/N! WHY?! WHY WOULD YOU DO IT?!" She screamed at me. I smirked, "well I needed my immortality."

Grace drew her sword and growled as she ran at me. I deflected her shot and we continued to fight. Honestly, she was good, especially since Gene was helping me too.

I smirked to Gene and he got what I was saying. It was time to finish this. I stepped aside while Grace fought Gene and when she was distracted, I stabbed her in the back.

I smirked to myself. I had done it, I had gotten my immortality and killed the person I hate the most in the world, Grace Brosna.

Grace's P.O.V

My vision went blurry and I started getting it hard to breath after Y/n stabbed me. "Y/n... why...?" I managed to choke out.

Y/n smirked at the brother I hated most in the world before answering. "Because, you took everything from me, so why not take everything from you?" She laughed.

"Grace!" I heard a cry in the distance. I looked to my left to see Dante, Aphmau and Garroth rushing over. Dante kneeled down beside me, pulling me out of the pool of blood that I was surrounded in, and cradling me in his arms.

The pain was unbearable, my vision started to go black as Dante's eyes filled with tears. "Grace... no..." he choked out through his tears.

He looked up to Y/n and Gene, "WHY?! WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS?!" Y/n smirked, "because we can," The the town of them turned around and left Phoenix Drop, hopefully never to come back.

Dante' P.O.V

Why would they do this? Just why? I know that Gene had always hated Grace and had tried to kill her before, but why Y/n? Why would Y/n do this?

I looked down at Grace who I was holding in my arms. Tears streamed down her face as she struggled to breath.

I had to get her to Zoey, maybe she could do something. I couldn't loose my older sister, not now, not after just seeing her again.

I quickly stood up and started to walk to Zoey's house. "Dante... I'm sorry..." she choked out before she stopped breathing and her eyes went grey.

I looked down at her as tears streamed down my face. I heard sniffles behind me and turned around to see Aphmau and Garroth crying too.

She was gone. She was really gone.

Y/n's P.O.V

I was happy! I finally had gotten my immortality and I had killed Grace Brosna! This day couldn't get any better, or could it? As Gene and I walked back through the nether portal, he stopped.

"Gene?" I questioned. He said nothing and put this stupid smile on his face. "Y/n, I love you, and I always have," he finally said.

I smiled. "Gene... I love you too..." I said softly as I felt the weight of his lips on mine.

This day did get better. So much better.

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