Be Mine (Laurance x Fem!Reader) | Mystreet; Love~Love Paradise

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Note: Grace and Garroth are dating instead of Laurance and Grace dating in this one shot. ITS ONLY THIS ONE SHOT THOUGH.

Y/n's P.O.V

Laurance and I got home and realised that everyone was gone. "Where is everyone?" Laurance asked. I shrugged my shoulders, "I don't know."

I reached into my bag for my phone, but I ended up pulling out two tickets for Love~Love Paradise, that we had won. (Don't ask how... 😅)

"What if we use these since everyone else is gone?" I said to Laurance. He smiled, "Let's get packing then."


We headed to the airport and were soon on the flight. It didn't take too long to get there, about an hour or two I'd say.

"Wow, this place is amazing!" Laurance cried. I nodded in agreement, it was truly amazing! Next thing I knew, a man in a blue Love~Love Paradise t-shirt.

"Hi there! I'm Guy!" He said rather loudly, causing Laurance and I to wince. "I'll be your guide!" He said. Laurance and I glanced at each other before Guy lead us to our apartment.

"I hope you two lovebirds enjoy your stay!" Guy said happily as he left us alone. My face went red, Laurance and I weren't even dating, we were just close friends.

Although, we were both seeing each other, we even kissed to get those tickets. We aren't official yet though, but I would love to be.

"So, let's have a look around," Laurance said and I nodded in agreement as we looked around the apartment.

It was pretty small, but there was enough room for the two of us. There were two bedrooms, one with two single beds and one with a double.

We decided to have separate rooms for now. I took the one with the double bed and Laurance took the two singles. My room was beautiful, it had a balcony that I could see the whole island on.

I decided to get changed into something g suitable for this climate. It wasn't too revealing, so I liked it. I wore a .

I looked at myself in the mirror, I loved this outfit. I heard a gasp from the doorway. I turned around to see Laurance standing there, staring at me in awe.

I rolled my eyes at him. "So, are you ready to go?" I asked. He snapped back into reality, "Yep, where do you want to go?"

I thought for a moment. "What if we just explore the island?" I suggested. Laurance agreed and we headed out.

Laurance's P.O.V

Y/n and I walked along the beach and bumped into some familiar faces. No wonder they all weren't back at home of they were here in Love~Love Paradise.

"Wait, you two came here together?" Grace asked. Y/n and I nodded. Grace and Aphmau jumped up and down squealing.

"Kawaii~Chan ships it!" Kawaii~Chan cried, joining in on Aphmau and Grace's squealing. I looked at Y/n, she was blushing like mad and I probably was too.

Aphmau invited us over to their place for the evening and then we went back to our apartment to get some sleep.

We spent the rest of the time in Love~Love Paradise together and we also were with the others for part of it. After hanging out with Y/n so much, my feelings for her grew.

I wanted to confess to her and ask he to be mine but I didn't know how to go about it. I decided to ask Aaron and Garroth since they had girlfriends.

"YOU WANT TO WHAT?!" Garroth cried after I told him my plan. "I want to ask Y/n to be my girlfriend..." I said, as I looked at the ground.

Both, Garroth and Aaron's faces lit up. "Laurance! My bro has finally turned into a man!" Garroth cried, shaking me back and forth.

"Laurance, you should go for it, I believe in you man!" Aaron said, punching my shoulder. I slightly hissed as he did so.

"Thanks guys, but when should I do it?" I asked, rubbing my shoulder. Garroth thought for a moment, "I know! Do it on the beach as you watch the sun set!"

I nodded, liking the idea. "Yeah, I'll do it tomorrow, on our last day here on the island!" I said happily. "Thanks again guys!" I cried as I pulled them into a tight hug before rushing out.


The day came when I was going to ask Y/n to be my girlfriend. I was so nervous, I kept wondering if she was going to say no.

We got dinner in the island diner before heading off the the beach. Y/n lay they towels on the sand for us to sit on.

Even at this late at night, I was still sweating, or was it just the fact that I was so nervous? I had no idea. I looked behind me and saw four shadowed figures.

As they came closer, I saw that it was Garroth, Aaron, Grace and Aphmau. Garroth gave me a quick thumbs up before I rolled my eyes at him.

I turned back to Y/n and we talked for a bit. Then, there was an awkward silence. I knew that now was my time to ask but I was still so nervous.

I took a deep breath before turning to her. "Y/n...?" I said softly. "Hm?" She hummed as she turned to me. Her h/c hair fell, beautifully on her shoulders and her warm smile made me blush slightly.

"Um... er..." I stuttered as she raised an eyebrow at me. I took another deep breath before continuing. "Y/n, I've known you for so long and you have always been a great friend to me," I began.

I took another breath, "you are so kind, so smart, so helpful and most of all, you are beautiful." Tears began to form in her eyes, I knew that she knew what was coming next.

I closed my eyes, and took a final breath before finishing, "Y/n, I love you, I always have." I held her hands in mine, "Y/n, be mine."

A tear rolled down her cheek and more followed after it. "Laurance, I would love too!" She cried as I pulled her I to a tight hug.

Before I knew it, I was kissing her soft lips. I loved her, I really did.

And I was never going to let anything happen to her.

Awww! So cute!

As I said in the note at the top of the one shot, Grace and Garroth were dating in this one shot, BUT ITS ONLY THIS ONE. I mean yeah, I might do that in some other Laurance x reader ones, but I will leave a note at the top if that happens.

Anyways, that's all from me! I hope you all have an amazing day and I'll see you in the next one shot!


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