You Said You'd Wait (Gene x Reader) | Mystreet

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Y/n's P.O.V

I looked out the window of the plane and saw the buildings of New York. I couldn't wait to land and be back home.

I'm twenty-nine years old and I left Phoenix Drop nearly ten years ago because I had found a job in Tu'la.
​​I also couldn't wait to see someone really special to me that I haven't seen in years.

Gene Brosna.

The man I have loved like my whole life. He loved me as well but we never became official. He said he would wait until I came back.

~~~ Flashback ~~~

Tears streamed down my cheeks as I told Gene that I had to move to Tu'la for almost ten years. "Y/n, you're coming back, aren't you?" Gene asked.

I nodded as I wiped away my tears. "Well, then before you go..." Gene began before taking a deep breath and grabbing both of my hands.

"Y/n, I love you."

I smiled. "Gene, I love you too."

Gene pulled me into a tight hug before kissing my cheek. "Let's wait until you come back to become official," he began. "I promise, I'll wait for you."

~~~ End Of Flashback ~~~

I just arrived at my best friend, Cadenza's house, house and knocked on the door. Cadenza opened the door and before I could say a word, she pulled me into a tight hug.

"Y/n! I've missed you so much!" She cried. "I missed you too Cadenza!" I cried as tears started to well in my eyes.

Cadenza showed me to my room – where I left my bags – before making us both a cup of tea while we caught up on the ten years that we were apart.

"Cadenza, do you know where Gene lives?" I asked. "I want to see him again since he promised he'd wait for a relationship when I got back."

Cadenza's eyes widened, "Do you mean... Gene Brosna?" I raised an eyebrow, "Yeah...?"

"Y/n... he has a girlfriend..."

"Wha-" I stuttered tears forming in my eye. "But he said he'd wait!" I cried, tears streaming down my face. I felt like I had been punched in the gut. I was heartbroken. He said he was going to wait for me but he lied.

"Cadenza, where does he live?" I asked. Without another word, she grabbed a piece of paper and a pen and wrote down his exact address.

She handed the paper to me. "Thank you," I said softly as I left the house and signalled for a taxi. I gave the driver the piece of paper and he pulled up outside of what was said to be Gene's house.

I thanked the driver and walked up to the front door of the house. I took a deep breath before rining the door bell. A man with black hair opened the door.

It was Gene.

"How can I hel-" he began before realising who I was. "Y-Y-Y/n?"

"Hi Gene."

"You're back?!"

"Yeah, I just arrived back in Phoenix Drop this morning."

"Are you okay?"


"What's wrong?

"I heard news."




"I heard you have a girlfriend."

Gene fell silent. I was trying to hold back my tears but I was struggling. "You said you'd wait!" I cried as a tear slipped down my cheek.

"You were gone for so long that I thought you weren't coming back!" Gene cried defensively.

"But I promised you I would come back in less than ten years!"

"I know! But something told me that would wouldn't!"

"And what was that something?!"

"It was..."

"What's going on out here?" Came a voice from inside the house. I looked past Gene's shoulder to see a girl with beautiful blonde hair and ocean blue eyes standing inside. She was really pretty. Much prettier than me who had h/c hair and e/c eyes.

"Gene, who's that?" She asked looking at me. "This is-" Gene began before I cut over him. "I'm nobody. Absolutely nobody. And I'm just leaving," I said as I turned around and began to walk away.

"Y/n, I-"

"Save it Gene! I don't want to hear it!" I cried as I blankly stared at him. A tear rolled down my cheek, followed by many more. I quickly turned around and ran down the street.

I had no idea where I was going but I didn't care. I just wanted to get away from there. Away from Gene and his hot new girlfriend that he'd choose over me, any day.

I couldn't deal with this today, I just couldn't.

Gene's P.O.V

I watched as Y/n rushed down the street. I felt guilty. Really guilty. I had hurt her. But I didn't mean to.

"Babe, who was that," My girlfriend Amber asked me. I sighed. "Just an old friend," I said, not taking my eyes off of where Y/n had just ran from.

I still love her, and I always have. And now, I feel more guilty than ever.


A few days had past and over those few days, a lot had happened. Including Amber and I breaking up. We got into a huge fight and she ended it.

Now was my chance to talk to Y/n. I wanted to ask her to be my girlfriend but I didn't know if she would even say yes after what had happened. It was worth a shot though.

I was sitting in the local café when the bell on the door dinged. I looked over to see Y/n walking in. This was it, this was my chance.

Y/n glances over to where I was sitting but then quickly looked away. She got coffee in a to-go container and left. I quickly left the money on the table, grabbed the rest of my coffee, and rushed out after her.

"Y/n!" I called as I ran after her but she didn't turn around to me. She walked to the park where she sat on a picnic bench and began to drink her coffee.

"Y/n?" I said softly as I stood behind her. "Go away Gene," she said angrily. I took a deep breath before I sat down on the bench across from her.

"Y/n, I'm really sorry," I began. She didn't say anything, she just kept sipping at her coffee. I continued, "Amber and I broke up, and I came her because... because I wanted to ask you something."

Her eyes widened as I took a deep breath and stood up from my seat on the bench. "Y/n, I still love you, and I always have even though I was with Amber," I began, taking a deep breath before finishing.

"Y/n, will you be my girlfriend?"

She smiled as she stood up off the bench, and nodded, "Yes Gene, yes, yes yes!" I smiled before pulling her into my chest and our lips connected.

I loved her. And I was never going to hurt her, ever again.

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