Lost in the Woods (Vylad x Reader) | Mcd

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She walked through the dark forest, her h/c hair gently blowing in the wind as she did so. She was lost, lost in the dark, creepy forest. She couldn't remember anything. Where she was from, why she was in the forest, nothing accept from her name. Y/n L/n. 

Y/n was scared. She didn't know what to do of where to go. She just kept walking, and walking, and walking. She followed the small trail of dirt, hoping it would lead her somewhere. The moon sat high in the sky, mildly lighting up the forest, making it a small bit easier for Y/n to see.

A roar coming from nearby made her jump out of her skin. She froze on the spot in fear. If she wasn't scared before, she was most definitely scared now. What or who was that? What was happening? Next thing she knew, the bushes nearby started to ruffle.

Y/n picked a sick up off the ground in case she needed to defend herself, while taking multiple steps back. The ruffling grew, and grew, and grew, until...

...a figure came out of the bush.

They started walking closer to Y/n as she continued to walk backwards. As the the figure came closer, Y/n saw that it was a man. He had dark brown hair covered by a grey hood, he wore green clothes with brown hunting boots and a bow and arrows attached to the back and wore a dark green mask across his mouth.

Y/n kept stepping backward when she stood on a twig, causing it to break. The man stopped in his tracks. "Who's there?" he called into the darkness while looking around. Y/n didn't dare to move, she was terrified enough to even let the man know she was there.

The man walked closer to where Y/n was standing in the pitch black while de-attaching his bow from his back and loading it with and arrow. Y/n didn't know what to do, should she run or should she stay where she is and pray that he didn't see her.

Y/n did the first option and dashed off into the forest. "Hey! You!" the man called after he as she ran. She didn't look back, she just kept running, and running, and running. She was terrified and could hear the man catching up with her.


Vylad continued to run after the mysterious figure in front of him. Who were they? What were they doing in the forest at this time of night? Thoughts rushed through his head as he ran. He began to gain on the figure when he took out his bow and loaded it with a net arrow. He waited for the right moment to fire the arrow. He pulled the string on the bow, firing the arrow into a tree above the figure.

The arrow turned into a net, capturing the figure inside. The figure began to struggle in the net, trying to get out but was unable to. Vylad slowly walked towards the net when he noticed that it was a girl with h/c hair and e/c eyes. 

Vylad slowly walked closer to the girl, trying not to scare her. The girl looked up at him with tears in her eyes as she continued to struggle in the net. "Hey, hey! It's okay, there's no need to panic," Vylad comforted her, kneeling down beside her while helping her out of the net.

"Sorry about the net, I had no intention to hurt you." The girl said nothing, she stayed quiet as she looked to the ground with fear in her eyes. "So what's your name? Where you from? Why are you out in the forest this late at night?" Vylad asked, curiously 

The girl stayed quiet for a moment before finally answering Vylad. "My name is Y/n..." she began, softly. "I don't remember where I'm from or why I'm here but I know that I'm lost." Vylad raised an eyebrow at her answer. 'She really doesn't remember anything?"  Vylad thought to himself. 'Strange..."

"Well... there's a village nearby here, I can take you there if you want," Vylad offered, giving Y/n a hand up. Y/n nodded, "I would like that."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

~ 1 month later ~

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Y/n walked through the streets of Phoenix Drop, her h/c hair blowing in the wind as she walked. She had been in the village for a month now and the head guard - Garroth - had taken her in happily. Y/n was a guard in training and she was quite good at it. 

Y/n hadn't seen the man since and honestly, she wished she did. Y/n wanted to thank him for helping her but she didn't even know his name to ask anyone in the village, she had almost forgotten what he had looked like at this stage. She still had no idea where she was originally from or what she was doing in the forest that night which she found quite strange. 

As Y/n walked the streets of the peaceful village, she noticed the bushes outside the  ̶g̶a̶t̶e̶s̶  fences. Y/n drew her sword and started walking towards the bushes. This was her chance, this was her chance to prove to Garroth that she was worthy to be a proper guard. 

Y/n came closer and closer to the bushes until she noticed some sort of green cloth. Her eyes widened. 'Didn't the guy who helped me me wear a green mask...?"  Y/n thought. She continued walking closer, still gripping her sword when a head poked up from the bush. 

"Y/n!" came a cry. It was him! It was the guy! "Hey! Oh, I wanted to thank you for helping me that night, I am really grateful," Y/n said with a smile. He could only smile at her thanks. "Hey, I never got your name."

"Oh, right," the guy began. "I'm Vylad." Vylad held out his hand for Y/n to shake and she took it with a smile. "Do you remember anything?" Vylad began. "Like where you are from or why you were in the forest that night?"

Y/n shook her head, he still couldn't remember anything. She couldn't help but wonder what had happened to her and what had caused her to loose her memory. Why was her name the only thing she could remember. 

A yell from the village snapped Y/n out of her thoughts. "Oh, that's probably Garroth, I have to go," Y/n said as she began to turn around when Vylad stopped her. "Wait! Did you say... G-Garroth?" Y/n nodded, "He's the head guard of the village. Anyways I have to go, I do you want to meet here again at some stage." Vylad smiled, "Sure." Y/n nodded before running back down to the village to see what Garroth had called her for.

Over the next few weeks, Y/n and Vylad started to meet up and go exploring in the forest together. Over time, Vylad started to gain feelings for Y/n and vice-versa. The two had become best friends and loved hanging around with each other.

"Y/n?" Vylad said softly as the two walked through the forest. It wasn't scary in the daytime to Y/n, she thought it was quite beautiful, it was just at night that it was scary to her. "Hm?" Y/n hummed turning to Vylad.

Vylad gazed at her, her h/c hair gently blowing in the wind and her e/c eyes sparkling in the sunlight. Vylad was so in love, but he was scared to tell her in case she didn't feel the same way. Vylad took a deep breath. "I love you!" he blurted out. 

Y/n stood there in shock before her lips curved upwards into a smile. "It's okay if you don't feel the same way, I just-" 

"Vylad, I love you too!"

Vylad paused in shock before his lips too curved upwards into a smile. Y/n gazed up into Vylad's eyes and smiled as she noticed him pulling down his mask. Before she knew it, she felt the weight of his lips on hers. Y/n loved him, she really did. She couldn't thank him enough of what he did for her that night. And now, she was kissing him. 

Y/n couldn't be happier.


Hey everyone! I hope you enjoyed!

This one shot was requested by @TotalFantasyLover and I want to say thank you for the request! Make sure to go check her out and maybe even give her a follow. She's also on Quotev as TotalFantasyLover so make sure to check her out over there as well!

If you haven't read my last A/n, I am running out of ideas for one shots so if you could send me some requests, that would be amazing! Make sure to send me the plotline/storyline of the one shot as well because I have ran out of Ideas. 

Anyways, Thank you for reading and I hope you have an amazing day! Byeee!

- Izzy xx

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