The Tale Of An Owl (Levin x Fem!OwlHybrid!Reader) Mcd

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Levin's P.O.V

Today, was the tenth year anniversary of my mother's disappearance. I missed her, I really did, I'd do anything to get her back.

I walked around the ruins of Phoenix Drop, when I saw an owl with gleaming white feathers, perched on a nearby tree. It's big, wide eyes were places on me.

A shiver ran down my spine as it flew away. That owl, it seemed different to any other owl that I have seen before. I'm not sure what was up with that one, but it seemed off.

Very off.


A few days had passed and I was walking around the ruins of Phoenix Drop again. I hadn't seen the owl since, but I still had a weary feeling about it.

As I walked through the ruins, I heard a grown of pain from the bushes. I took out my sword, ready to attack as I pulled the bushes back and saw a girl with h/c hair.

She couldn't have been more than 18, and she had a wound all the way up her leg. She was startled at first but when I put away my sword, she calmed down.

"Hey there, let me help you," I said kneeling down beside her. She nodded and her stance calmed. "What happened?" I asked her.

A tear rolled down her cheek, "Bandits." My eyes widened, the bandits had come back? I thought we had gotten rid of them.

"Come back to my place with me and I can get Zoey to fix you up," I said. She nodded and smiled. "Thank you," she said softly. I nodded and helped her back to the settlement.

Y/n's P.OV

It has been a few days since Levin had brought me back to the settlement and my leg has healed well.

Levin has helped me a lot and I know that I've only known him for a few days, but I can't help but have feelings for him.

I hang around with him a lot and he even taught me how to use a sword. Although he has been with me, most of the time he is with this girl with brown hair.

I think her name is Alexis.I can see the way that she looks at him, she likes him, no doubt about it.

I'm not sure if he feels the same way about her, but she has to go, and I know how im going to get rid of her.

They do say I'm as wise as an owl after all.

Levin's P.O.V

I was on patrol with Alexis on the settlement gates when I heard a scream. I looked over to see Alexis being attacked by an owl.

It was the same owl that I had seen in the ruins. My eyes widened and I rushed over, trying to help Alexis.

I took out my sword and slashed it at the owl. The owl squawked before flying again. I looked at Alexis, was bleeding and had scratches from them owls talons, all over her face.

"Are you okay?" I asked her, pulling her into a hug. She nodded. I hugged her tighter, "Where did that come from?"

She shrugged, "I don't know, it just flew in and started attacking me." I nodded and we headed back to my place where Zoey treated Alexis' wounds.


Days passed and the owl came back again and again, attacking Alexis. At this point, I wouldn't let her set foot outside, I was that scared for her safety.

I was honestly getting that bit suspicious of Y/n since every time the owl would appear, she would disappear. Was she setting the owl on Alexis? Or maybe she was the owl?

I've never heard of someone being able to turn into an owl before, so I wasn't sure. It was bugging me the more I thought about it so, Malachi and I decided to take action.

Malachi would keep an eye on Y/n while I would be with Alexis, since the owl only seems to attack her when I'm there.

Malachi's P.O.V

I followed Y/n as she wandered around the settlement. She walked towards the gate and saw Alexis and Levin standing on top.

I saw the expression on her face change to anger as she growled. Y/n snuck through the settlement gates, and out into the ruins with me, secretly following behind her.

I watched as she climbed into a tree and there was a bright white light. I covered my eyes as the light blinded me and the next thing I saw was, a gleaming white owl flying out of the exact same tree.

My eyes widened, "Levin was right! Y/n is the owl!" I quickly ran after Y/n as she flew back to the settlement gates, where Levin and Alexis were.

The owl squawked before swooping down on Alexis, who screamed. "Levin! You were right! Y/n is the owl!" I cried as I reached the gates.

Levin's eyes widened as he drew his sword. He ran towards the owl, slashing his sword at it. The owl squawked as it dodged Levin's strike.

That's when Levin reached up, grabbing the owl by it's neck, and pinning it to the ground. The owl squawked once more as a blinding white light shun.

I covered my eyes and when I looked back, the owl was gone and on it's place, lay Y/n. Levin angrily glared at her, he was furious.

"Y/n! What is the meaning of this?!" He roared. Y/n put this guilty look on her face. "I'm sorry Levin, it's just... I love you! And when I saw that you liked Alexis, I got jealous and did the first thing that came to my head!" She stuttered.

Levin glared at her in disbelief, "Y/n... I'm sorry, but you are banished from Phoenix Drop... forever!"

"W-What?" Y/n stuttered as tears filled her eyes. Levin nodded, "Now go." Y/n wiped away her tears as she glared at Levin. "Fine..." she muttered as she turned back into an owl.

She squawked before flapping her wings and flying off into the sky. I looked at Levin who looked more sad than anything.

"I really thought she was good..." Levin trailed off. I gave him a sad smile, "We all did. Now, let's get back home." Levin nodded in agreement as we headed back to mine and Levin's house.

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