Back To The Past (Travis x Smart!Fem!Reader) | Mystreet/Mcd

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Note 1: Aphmau, Grace and Y/n in the Mcd world have died but they have not in the mystreet world. This will make more sense later in the one shot.

Note 2: Y/n lives in a house with Travis since they are dating which also means Dante, Garroth, and Zane live together and Grace and Laurance live in a house together.

Note 3: Aaron doesn't wear the bandana in the Mcd world and he's a close friend to the others like he was to Aphmau. Aaron is also one of Lord Levin's guards.

Y/n's P.O.V

I had done it! I had finished the invention that I have been working on for the last five years! Whew, it's good to be finally finished. I had built a... dun dun dun...

...A time machine!

I need to test this out and see if it works but I'm not doing it alone. Travis was hanging out with the guys so I decided to call Aphmau and Grace.

Within minutes, the front door burst open and Grace and Aphmau came rushing in. "Where is it?! I need to see it!" Grace cried.

I smiled as I pulled the black sheet I had put over it, off revealing the time machine. "Wow, that really is something," Aphmau said.

I nodded, "It is. And I want both of you to test it out with me!" Their eyes widened as they shifted from the time machine to me.

"Couldn't that be really dangerous?' Grace asked nervously. I nodded, "Yep, but we're going to give it a shot." Aphmau and Grace exchanged worried glances before finally agreeing.

The two of them stepped into the time machine, while I pressed a few buttons before joining them. The time machine shook left and right and sometimes it felt as if it lifted off the ground.

When the time machine had finally settled, I guessed that it had finished. "Should we look outside?" Aphmau asked. I nodded, "It sounds like it's finished now."

I gently pulled back the curtain and saw that we were no longer in my house and were standing outside the ruins of some village.

The were clearly ruined with lumps gone out of the wall, and viens covering them. "What happened to this place?" Grace asked as we walked up to them.

That's when we heard voices coming from the other side of the gates. We saw three men dressed in armour walking through the gates and when they saw us, they stood and looked at us in shock.

"Are they okay?" I whispered to Aphmau not taking my eyes off of the three men. Aphmau shrugged her shoulders, "I don't think so."

"Why are they dressed in armour?" Grace asked, joining in on the whispering. "I have no clue," I whispered back when a man with dirty brown hair took a stepp closer.

My eyes widened when I realised something, they looked Identical to Laurance, Aaron and Travis! "Grace...?" The guy who looked like Laurance questioned.

Shocked, Grace glanced over at us before looking back towards the three men. "How do you know my name...?" She asked, a little scared.

"Huh?" The man that looked like Laurance asked. "How wouldn't I? You were my girlfriend after all."

Grace chocked on air. "What?!" She cried. "You aren't my boyfriend, someone... who looked Identical to you was..." she trailed off, probably noticing the same thing as I did.

"Okay, now I'm confused, I thought you three were dead." The guy who looked like Travis said. "And what sort of clothes are you wearing? Where's your armour gone?" The guy who looked like Aaron added.

Grace, Aphmau and I exchanged confused glances. "Okay now I'm really confused," Grace said to the three men.

"How could we be dead if we're not even from your time?" I asked, making the three guys raise an eyebrow. "What?" The guy that looked like Travis asked.

"We came here using that," I said , pointing to the time machine behind us. "What's that?" The boy that looked like Aaron asked.

"That, is a time machine. You can use it to travel through time," I explained. By the looks of things, we were in the past. But I still didn't get what the guys were say.

Hold on, those three guys look identical to Aaron, Travis and Laurance back in our time, and they are also saying that we have died, could it be Aphmau, Grace and I from this time that had died?

Was there a past me? Were there the rest of my friends in the past too? I had no idea but I was going to find out. 

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