I Love You! (Grace x Male!ShadowKnight!Reader) Mcd

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Y/n's P.O.V

Grace stood up from her dead brother, who lay among her dead friends. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she pulled her sword out of her scabard. Her eyes flashed a bright white as she ran at me.

'There's the Relic kicking in now' I thought to myself, smirking as I dodged her shot.

"I'm over here," I snickered. "Oh, I know that, and that is the exact spot that you're going to die in," Grace cried.

She slashed her sword at me but I deflected it causing us to have a full on sword fight. Grace pushed me back and I tumbled along the ground.

She stepped on my chest, just about to slice it into my chest and kill me, when someone held her back from behind. I looked up to see Gene wrapping his arm around her neck, holding her long enough for me to get up.

After I pulled myself of the ground, Gene let Grace go, throwing her back behind him and she went tumbling across the ground.

Grace stood up holding the bandage on her left arm, Gene had told me what he had did to her. A part of me has happy but another part of me wished I could have been there to help her. What is that part of me? She is the woman that I hate most in the world, or is the the woman I love the most?

"Gene," she said, anger filling her voice. "Though you'd never see me again, huh sis?" He snickered.

"Gene, your heartless killed my only brother and the only people that I care about. And don't you EVER call me sis, I don't want to be the sister of someone so cruel and heartless," Grace said angrily.

A wave of guilt washed over me. Her only brother and the only people she cared about? What was I? A monster, that's what I was. I didn't want to be a monster, I wanted to be with the woman I loved, Grace Brosna.

Grace ran at Gene, slashing her sword at him but he easily deflected her shot. He pushed her back into a tree and was about to slice his sword into her chest when she ducked, slid under his legs and shoved him back into the tree.

Then she ran at me at full speed. That's when I saw how beautiful she was. Her long, light brown hair flew everywhere as she ran, and her beautiful ocean blue eyes had changed to glowing white ones as the Relic kicked in.

She swung her sword at me but I deflected it. I didn't want to do this anymore. I wanted to be her friend, protect her from her heartless brother. I love her.

"Grace! Please! Can we just talk?" I cried as she slashed her sword at me over and over again. "Oh so now you want to talk?! Couldn't you have done that before you killed my brother and my friends?!" She screamed.

"I love you!" I cried. She stopped, she stopped swinging her sword at me and looked into my eyes. "You wa-" she began as she fell to her knees and died. I looked to the person standing behind her. It was Gene.

"Gene! How could you!" I cried. I looked down at her dead body as tears filled my eyes. "Sorry Y/n, but I'm not going to let you get your immortality that easily, especially after telling my sister you love her just to get it," Gene said smirking at me.

"Gene, I didn't just tell her that I loved her for my immortality, I really did love her," I said, as tears started to stream down my cheeks.

"Oh well," Gene said as he left. I kneeled down beside Grace's body, I couldn't believe that I had let that happen to her. I loved her.

Awww! From evil to good!

668 words and 1.8 pages! I hope you enjoyed!

Anyways, that's all from me! I hope you enjoy the rest of your day!


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