Nice To Meet A Fan (FTL)

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Denise Star had always been different, and in Doncaster, she was loved for it. Her unusual yellow eyes, bright as sunflowers, made her unique, even special. But when her family moved to Swindon, her new schoolmates didn't see it that way.

From the moment Denise stepped into Swindon High, she felt the eyes on her. Whispers followed her in the hallways, and snickers echoed in the classrooms. The worst were the girls, who saw her as a threat just because she was different.

"Hey, freak! Got any batteries for those eyes?" one of them jeered, making the others laugh.

Denise lowered her head, gripping her books tighter. "Leave me alone," she whispered, but her voice was drowned out by their laughter.

One day, things took a turn for the worse. In gym class, Denise was cornered in the locker room. The girls had waited for her, their eyes glittering with malice.

"Why don't you just go back to where you came from, freak?" one spat, shoving Denise hard against the lockers.

She hit her head on the cold metal, and stars exploded in her vision. As she slid to the floor, she heard more laughter, but it sounded far away, like it was underwater.

When she came to, she was in the nurse's office. Mrs. Thompson, the school nurse, looked at her with concern as she gently cleaned the cut on her forehead.

"Denise, why didn't you tell anyone you were being bullied?" she asked softly.

Denise shrugged, wincing at the pain. "It wouldn't make a difference. They'd just make it worse."

Mrs. Thompson sighed and reached for the remote control. "Well, let's get your mind off things for a bit. I heard your favorite band is having a live concert tonight. The Kings, right?"

Denise's heart skipped a beat. "Yes, I love them. Uno Winter is... amazing," she said, a small smile tugging at her lips despite the pain.

Mrs. Thompson turned on the TV, and there they were: The Kings, live on stage at their Milton Keynes show. Uno Winter, with his striking blue hair and piercing blue eyes, was front and center, his voice soaring through the speakers. Denise felt a warmth spread through her, momentarily forgetting the hurt and humiliation.


Meanwhile, on stage at Milton Keynes, Uno Winter scanned the crowd, his heart pounding with every strum of his guitar. He knew tonight was special. Milton Keynes was just another stop, but something felt different.

His bandmates, Lance Summer on bass, Angelo Jackson on drums, Matt Spring on keyboards, Maury Miles on rhythm guitar, and Lorenzo Shelby on saxophone, were all in their element, playing with the energy that had made The Kings a sensation.

But for Uno, it was the fans that made every performance special. He remembered running away from home at thirteen, leaving behind a life of uncertainty for the dream of making music. Now, at seventeen, he had everything he'd ever wanted.

"Thank you, Milton Keynes!" he shouted into the mic, the crowd roaring back in response. "This next song is for anyone out there who feels like they don't belong. Remember, you're not alone."

Denise's eyes welled up with tears as she watched Uno. His words felt like they were meant just for her. She mouthed along with the lyrics, feeling a connection that transcended the screen.

As the song ended, Uno paused, looking out over the sea of faces. "And before we go, I have a special announcement," he said, his voice filled with excitement. "Our next show is going to be in Swindon!"

The crowd erupted in cheers, and Denise's heart raced. She couldn't believe it. Her favorite band was coming to her town. For the first time in a long time, she felt like things were looking up.

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