Parliament & Intimacy (CF)

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As Uno and Denise sat in the backseat of the car, the city of London whizzed by outside their windows. The anticipation in the air was palpable, and they both felt a mixture of excitement and nerves about what lay ahead.

Denise looked over at Uno, her eyes filled with determination. "You ready for this, Uno?"

Uno nodded, squeezing her hand reassuringly. "Yeah, I'm ready. We've faced so much already, this is just another step."

Denise smiled. "You always know how to make me feel better. I'm really glad we're doing this together."

"Me too," Uno replied. "I couldn't imagine going through this with anyone else."

As the car neared the Houses of Parliament, the driver turned to them. "We'll be there in just a few minutes, Lord Uno, Lady Denise. Do you need anything before we arrive?"

"We're good, thank you," Uno answered, his voice steady.

Denise took a deep breath. "Okay, let's do this."

The car came to a stop, and a doorman opened the door for them. They stepped out, immediately greeted by the imposing architecture of the Houses of Parliament. Simon stepped forward to lead them inside, where they were met by an usher who guided them through the grand hallways.

"I can't believe we're really here," Denise whispered as they walked.

"It's surreal," Uno agreed, looking around in awe.

They were soon brought to a meeting room, where several members of the House of Lords were gathered. The room fell silent as Uno and Denise entered, all eyes on them.

"Lord Winter, Lady Denise," a distinguished-looking man greeted them, extending his hand. "Welcome. Please, take a seat."

Uno and Denise sat down, feeling the weight of the moment. The man continued, "We are aware of your recent elevation to your titles, and we wanted to formally welcome you and discuss the responsibilities you will now hold."

Uno nodded. "Thank you. We're honored to be here and ready to learn."

Denise added, "We want to do our best and make a positive impact."

The meeting progressed, with various lords explaining the roles and duties Uno and Denise would have. They asked questions and took notes, absorbing as much information as they could.

After the meeting, they were given a tour of the historic building. Denise couldn't help but marvel at the centuries of history around them. "It's incredible," she said to Uno. "I feel like we're part of something so much bigger."

"We are," Uno replied, smiling. "And we're going to make our mark."

Once the tour concluded, they returned to the car. As they drove back to the manor, Denise leaned her head on Uno's shoulder. "I'm so proud of you," she said softly.

"I'm proud of us," Uno corrected, kissing the top of her head. "We're a team."

When they arrived back at the manor, their friends were waiting eagerly to hear about their day. Lance was the first to speak. "So, how was it? Did you impress all the old lords and ladies?"

"It was amazing," Denise said, her eyes shining. "We learned so much."

Uno added, "And we felt really welcomed. It was a bit overwhelming, but we handled it."

Their friends gathered around, peppering them with questions and listening intently to every detail.

After a while, Simon approached with a warm smile. "I have something special for you two," he announced, holding out a beautifully wrapped box. "A little something to celebrate your first official day as Lord and Lady."

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