Premiere, Date and Love (FRS)

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Uno Winter adjusted the collar of his suit as he walked down the red carpet. The flashing lights of the cameras and the excited murmurs of the crowd filled the air, but his mind was elsewhere. Tonight was the premiere of his latest film, Echoes of London, and the energy was palpable.

As Uno moved through the sea of people, he spotted a familiar face just ahead—Denise Star. She was an actress and singer with an undeniable presence, and Uno had always admired her work from afar. Tonight, she looked stunning in a shimmering silver gown, her hair cascading in soft waves. She was engrossed in conversation with a fellow actor, holding a clutch and a few scripts under her arm.

Lost in thought, Uno didn't notice how close he had gotten until it was too late. He bumped into her, causing her clutch and the scripts to tumble to the ground.

"Oh, my goodness, I’m so sorry!" Uno exclaimed, immediately bending down to help pick up the scattered items. "I wasn’t paying attention."

Denise laughed softly, her voice warm. "No harm done, really. These things happen."

As Uno handed back her belongings, their eyes met for a brief moment. He felt a pang of guilt for his clumsiness but also a spark of something else—a connection, perhaps.

"Let me make it up to you," Uno said quickly, feeling a bit flustered. "How about I get you a coffee or… maybe even dinner sometime? As an apology for my clumsy behavior."

Denise looked at him, her eyebrows raised in mild surprise. "Are you asking me out, Uno Winter?"

Uno chuckled, running a hand through his hair. "I suppose I am. I mean, I didn’t plan on it—well, not this way, anyway. But yes, I’m asking you out."

Denise smiled, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "Well, I do appreciate the offer. How about we start with that coffee? Maybe after the premiere, if you’re not too busy?"

"Coffee it is, then," Uno agreed, feeling a wave of relief mixed with excitement. "You’re not holding this whole bumping-into-you thing against me, are you?"

"Only if you spill my coffee, too," Denise teased, slipping her arm through his as they continued to walk towards the entrance.

Uno grinned, his earlier nerves dissipating. "I’ll do my best to keep everything upright this time."

The rest of the evening passed in a blur of interviews, photographs, and applause as the film was screened. But through it all, Uno found himself glancing over at Denise, catching her eye from across the room and exchanging knowing smiles.

When the premiere finally wrapped up, Uno found Denise waiting near the exit, a relaxed smile on her face.

"Still up for that coffee?" she asked, her tone light.

"Absolutely," Uno replied, feeling a warmth spread through him. "There’s a quiet little café just a few blocks away. Shall we?"

As they walked side by side through the cool evening air, conversation flowed easily between them. They talked about their careers, the ups and downs of fame, and the small moments that made it all worth it.

"Did you always want to act?" Denise asked, taking a sip of her coffee once they were settled at a corner table.

Uno thought for a moment before answering. "Not always. I think I stumbled into it, really. But once I started, I knew it was what I wanted to do. What about you? Singing and acting—that’s quite the combination."

Denise nodded, a hint of nostalgia in her eyes. "Music was my first love, but acting came naturally after that. I guess I just wanted to tell stories, whether through song or on screen."

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