Being Idiots (TCP)

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It had been a few months since Uno and Denise returned from their trip to Ireland, and life in Brighton had settled into a comfortable rhythm. Their relationship had blossomed since then, and with the café thriving, they found more time to enjoy each other’s company. Uno made it a point to take Denise out on small dates, whether it was a picnic by the seaside or a quiet evening at their flat above the Star Café.

This afternoon, they were sprawled out on a checkered blanket in a small park overlooking the sea. The sun was warm but not overbearing, the breeze carrying the scent of saltwater through the air. Uno had brought his guitar—a sleek black Stratocaster—and as he plucked the strings, Denise lay beside him, her head resting on his lap, eyes half-closed.

He was dressed, as usual, in one of his tailored suits, his tie loosened just enough to give him that relaxed but sharp look. Denise, however, had convinced him to leave the blazer behind, something he rarely did. She had taken to teasing him about always being "the dapper gentleman."

“Don’t you ever get tired of wearing those suits, Uno?” she asked with a smile, her yellow eyes glinting up at him playfully.

Uno chuckled softly as he continued to strum. “I thought you liked me in my suits. Besides, it’s tradition.”

“I do like them,” she admitted, sitting up to face him. “But I think you could look just as good in something casual. Maybe a hoodie or a jacket, you know, something a bit more relaxed.”

Uno raised an eyebrow, still plucking the strings lightly. “A hoodie? On me? I don’t know if that would feel right.”

Denise laughed and leaned forward, pressing a kiss to his cheek. “You’d look amazing in anything. How about we go shopping this weekend? I’ll help you pick out a few casual pieces.”

Uno sighed theatrically, though his smile betrayed him. “Fine, but only if we stop by the music store afterward. I need some new strings for my Strat.”

“It’s a deal,” Denise said with a grin, settling back onto the blanket.

Later that week, Denise dragged Uno to one of Brighton’s trendy shopping districts. She was determined to update his wardrobe, and though he’d been reluctant at first, he couldn’t resist the way her face lit up whenever she found something she thought would suit him.

Denise pulled a navy-blue hoodie off one of the racks, holding it up to Uno’s frame. “Try this on. It’ll bring out your eyes.”

Uno gave her a skeptical look, but he took the hoodie from her anyway. “You’re really set on this, aren’t you?”

“Oh, absolutely,” Denise said with a smirk, pushing him gently toward the fitting rooms. “Come on, it’s time for a little change.”

A few minutes later, Uno stepped out of the fitting room wearing the hoodie, his usual tie and vest gone. The casual look was something Denise hadn’t seen on him before, and she had to admit, it suited him surprisingly well.

“Well?” he asked, turning slowly as if he were modeling for her.

Denise’s grin widened as she looked him over. “You look fantastic. I told you you could pull it off!”

Uno glanced at himself in the mirror, tilting his head slightly. “It’s... different, I’ll give you that. But it’s comfortable.”

“Exactly!” Denise laughed, stepping closer to straighten the hem of the hoodie. “We’ll grab a few more—maybe a jacket or two—and then I’ll take you to my favorite coffee spot. After all, a new look deserves a proper celebration.”

Uno chuckled, leaning in to kiss her forehead. “I knew there was an ulterior motive here.”

They left the store with a few bags in hand—hoodies, jackets, and some casual jogging pants—and made their way to a small café where they sat by the window, sipping coffee as they watched people bustle by on the streets. It was moments like this that made everything feel so peaceful and right.

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