Having a Vacation in Ireland (TCP)

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A year had passed since Uno walked into the Star Café that snowy day, and Denise’s life had changed in ways she hadn’t imagined. Her café was now bustling, filled with the chatter of customers enjoying their coffees, and she had hired several employees to help keep up with the demand. The warmth that Uno had brought with his photography seemed to have seeped into every corner of her life.

Denise was sitting at a corner table, sipping a hot chocolate as she reviewed the café’s monthly earnings. Her brown hair was pulled into a loose bun, and her yellow eyes scanned the papers with satisfaction. Business was thriving, and with the help of her employees, she had managed to carve out a little time for herself. She glanced up as one of her waitresses, a young woman with short blonde hair, approached her.

“Denise, do you need anything else before we close up?” she asked.

Denise shook her head. “No, I think we’re all good for tonight. Thanks, Molly.”

Molly nodded and headed back to the counter. Denise leaned back in her chair, feeling the weight of the past year melt away. She had finally secured a vacation for herself—a trip to Ireland, something she had been dreaming of for months. The best part? Uno was coming with her. He had insisted on tagging along, eager to capture Ireland’s scenic landscapes with his camera.

The ferry ride to Ireland was quiet and peaceful. The ocean stretched out around them, the waves gently lapping against the sides of the boat. Denise stood by the railing, feeling the cool breeze against her face as she watched the horizon. The sun was beginning to set, casting an orange glow over the water. Behind her, she could hear the soft melody of a harmonica playing, and she didn’t even have to turn around to know it was Uno.

She turned anyway, her eyes finding him immediately. He was sitting on a bench a few feet away, his blue hair ruffled slightly by the wind, and as always, he was dressed in his signature suit. His blazer was unbuttoned, revealing the vest underneath, and his tie was perfectly straight. The harmonica rested in his hands as he played a slow, soothing tune, his blue eyes half-closed as he lost himself in the music.

Denise walked over and sat down beside him, her heart beating a little faster than usual. She had been thinking about this moment for weeks, trying to gather the courage to say what she’d been feeling. It was now or never.

“You always seem so relaxed when you play that thing,” Denise said, trying to ease into the conversation.

Uno stopped playing and smiled at her, lowering the harmonica. “Yeah, it helps me unwind. Plus, it’s nice to take a break from the camera every now and then.”

Denise nodded, her fingers nervously twisting the hem of her sweater. “Uno, I’ve been meaning to tell you something.”

He raised an eyebrow, noticing the seriousness in her tone. “What’s on your mind, Denise?”

She took a deep breath, her hands gripping the edge of the bench. “It’s about us. About how I feel... I’ve been thinking a lot lately, and... well, it’s hard to explain, but I think I’m falling for you.”

Uno blinked in surprise, his playful expression replaced with something softer, more serious. He stayed silent for a moment, as if processing her words. “Denise,” he finally said, his voice quieter than usual. “You... you really mean that?”

She nodded, her heart pounding in her chest. “I do. I know we’ve been friends for a while now, and I wasn’t sure how to say it, but the truth is... every time I see you, I feel something. Something more than just friendship. And I don’t want to keep it bottled up anymore.”

Uno stared at her for a long moment, and then, slowly, a smile spread across his face. “You know, I’ve always admired your honesty,” he said, setting his harmonica aside. “And I think it’s time I be honest with you too.”

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