Being Lazy (L)

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The next morning, Denise walked into the office, feeling a lightness in her step she hadn’t felt in years. She smiled at her coworkers and made her way to her desk, excitement bubbling inside her as she thought about her new relationship with Uno.

After settling in, she decided to go see Uno in his office. She knocked gently, but when there was no response, she peeked in and saw him completely absorbed in his phone, a slight smile on his face.

Quietly, she approached his desk. "Good morning, Uno," she said brightly, causing him to jump in his chair.

"Denise!" Uno quickly locked his phone and put it face down on his desk. "You startled me."

"Sorry, I didn't mean to," she said with a mischievous grin. "What were you reading?"

Uno cleared his throat, trying to regain his composure. "Oh, nothing important. Just some... legal news."

Denise raised an eyebrow, noticing his slight unease. "Really? Because you looked quite entertained."

Uno's blue eyes flickered with a hint of embarrassment. "Alright, you caught me. It was a bit of... fiction."

Denise's grin widened. "Fiction? What kind?"

He shifted in his seat, clearly reluctant to admit it. "Fanfiction," he muttered under his breath.

"Fanfiction?" Denise echoed, her eyes widening in surprise. "You read fanfiction?"

Uno sighed, a small smile playing at the corner of his lips. "Yes, I do. It's a guilty pleasure of mine. I enjoy it during my off hours."

Denise laughed softly, feeling even more connected to him. "That's adorable. I never would have guessed."

Uno relaxed, seeing her genuine amusement. "Well, it's a nice escape from the intensity of our work."

She nodded, appreciating this new, more human side of him. "I think it's great. We all need our escapes. Maybe you could recommend something for me to read?"

Uno's smile grew. "I'd be happy to. But only if you promise not to tell anyone."

"Your secret is safe with me," she promised, leaning in to give him a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Thank you, Denise," he said, his eyes softening as he looked at her. "You always know how to make my day better."

"I'm glad," she replied, feeling her heart swell with affection. "Now, let’s get to work. We’ve got a lot to do."


After a busy morning of client calls and case preparations, the afternoon brought a rare lull. Denise found herself with some free time and decided to check on Uno again. She found him in his office, this time not on his phone but looking through some documents with a thoughtful expression.

"Hey," she said, leaning against the doorframe. "Any interesting fanfiction recommendations?"

Uno chuckled, looking up at her. "You’re not letting that go, are you?"

"Not a chance," she replied with a grin. "What do you usually do when things are slow around here?"

Uno leaned back in his chair, considering. "Well, besides reading fanfiction, I enjoy a good game of chess."

"Chess?" Denise perked up. "I used to play in university. Fancy a game?"

Uno's smile widened. "Absolutely. There's a board in the conference room. Let's go."

They moved to the conference room and set up the chessboard, their playful banter filling the space. Denise quickly realized that Uno was as strategic in chess as he was in the courtroom.

"You’re good," she said, moving her knight. "But I think I've got you this time."

Uno studied the board, a smirk forming. "We'll see about that."

They continued their game, both deeply focused yet enjoying the friendly competition. Eventually, Uno made a decisive move, capturing Denise's queen.

"Checkmate," he announced, his eyes twinkling with triumph.

Denise laughed, shaking her head. "You got me. I need to practice more."

"You're not bad at all," Uno complimented. "We'll play again, and I’m sure you’ll win next time."

As they packed up the chess set, Denise looked at Uno, a thought forming. "You know, we've been so focused on work and chess, but there's more to life. How about we explore the city a bit after work? There’s a new art exhibit I've been wanting to see."

Uno's face softened. "I'd love that. It’s been a while since I took some time to enjoy the city."


Later that evening, they strolled through the art gallery, taking in the vibrant paintings and sculptures. Denise found herself drawn to a particular piece, a striking blue canvas that reminded her of Uno.

"This one is beautiful," she said, her eyes lingering on the artwork.

Uno stood beside her, his presence warm and comforting. "It is. It’s amazing how art can capture so much emotion."

They continued their walk, talking about the pieces they liked and sharing stories from their lives. Denise felt a deepening connection with Uno, grateful for these quiet moments where they could simply enjoy each other's company.

As they left the gallery, Uno suggested, "How about we grab dinner? There's a little Italian place around the corner that I think you'd love."

"Sounds perfect," Denise agreed, slipping her hand into his as they walked.

Over dinner, they talked about everything from their favorite books to their childhood dreams. Denise found herself more and more enamored with Uno, not just for his brilliance and kindness, but for the way he made her feel seen and appreciated.

"So, Denise," Uno said as they finished their meal, "what’s next on our list of things to do when we're not swamped with work?"

She smiled, feeling a sense of excitement for their future. "How about a weekend trip? Just the two of us. We could explore the countryside, visit some quaint villages, and just relax."

Uno's eyes lit up. "That sounds wonderful. I’d love to spend more time with you, away from the hustle of the city."

"Then it’s a plan," Denise said, feeling a surge of happiness. "I can’t wait."

As they walked back to their office to wrap up the day, Denise knew that she and Uno had found something special. Whether they were tackling high-stakes cases or simply enjoying each other's company, they had become a team in every sense of the word, ready to face whatever the future held together.

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