Becoming The Doctor (FRS)

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A few months after their breakout roles in Harmony in Hearts, Uno, Denise and the others gathered in the studio, the buzz of excitement filled the air. Uno, standing by his dressing mirror, adjusted his navy suit, checking the vest, the coat and the necktie one last time. His blue Timex watch gleamed under the studio lights as he straightened the lapel.

Denise approached him, smiling softly. “You look perfect as always, Doctor.”

Uno grinned, adjusting his collar before turning to face her. “And you, my dear, are more than ready to steal the spotlight as always.” He wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her close.

Denise leaned into him, her head resting on his shoulder. “Think the universe is ready for us?”

Uno smirked. “The universe has no choice.” He tilted his head down to kiss her forehead gently.

Across the room, Lance, in full costume, sighed dramatically. “Alright, lovebirds, some of us are trying to prepare for our introduction.”

“Yeah, I’m still figuring out how to pronounce Raxacoricofallapatorius,” Matt added, his voice dripping with fake frustration as he flipped through his script.

Jada rolled her eyes, leaning over to Avva. “They never stop, do they?”

“Nope,” Avva whispered back with a chuckle. “But honestly, who would want them to?”

Zoey, practicing her lines with Lorenzo, glanced over at the couple, shaking her head. “They do realize we’re about to fight aliens, right? Not star in a rom-com?”

Uno lifted his head from Denise, giving Zoey a playful look. “Who says we can’t do both? Maybe the Doctor needs a bit more romance in his life.”

Denise laughed softly, still in his embrace. “We could save the world and cuddle between scenes. Isn’t that what makes us a dynamic duo?”

Maury, who was scribbling notes on his script, chimed in. “Dynamic? More like ‘eternally attached.’” He chuckled as Olivia nudged him with her elbow. “Come on, admit it, they’re cute.”

“Cute or not, they’re setting the bar too high,” Angelo added with a grin. “We’re supposed to be fighting cybermen, not swooning over each other.”

Uno gave a mock gasp, raising an eyebrow at Angelo. “Swooning is part of the job, mate. The Doctor and his companion have layers.”

Denise nodded in agreement, still nestled against him. “Exactly. It’s not all about saving planets. Sometimes it’s about saving hearts too.”

As they teased, Uno tightened his arms around her and softly muttered, “You know, we really are the perfect team, Denise.”

Denise looked up at him, her eyes sparkling. “I wouldn’t want to travel through time with anyone else.”

Lance threw his hands up dramatically. “Alright, I’m calling it. If you two don’t stop, I’m putting in a complaint with the BBC. You’re making the rest of us look bad.”

“Don’t worry, Lancer,” Uno teased, using Lance’s nickname. “You’ll get your moment of glory.”

With a sigh, Lance gave in, returning to his lines. “If you say so, Doctor. Just… try not to be too distracted when we’re supposed to save the universe, alright?”

Uno and Denise shared a knowing glance before Uno shrugged, adjusting his suit one last time. “What can I say? I’m always focused on what’s most important.” He gave Denise’s hand a gentle squeeze.

As the crew began preparing the next scene, Uno, ever the romantic, pulled Denise closer again. “One more moment before the chaos, yeah?”

Denise smiled warmly. “Always.”

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