Meeting A Real Knight (MCK)

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The date on this snowy day was the 1st of December, 1343. Most of the knights knighted by King Edward III were gathered around Castle Thorn in Swindon.

The knights were all very good friends who worked and grew up together. They were Sir Uno Stuart Winter of Swindon, Sir Lance Mark Summer of Clydebank, Sir Angelo Scott Jackson of Liverpool, Sir Matthew James Spring of Birmingham, Sir Maury Alfred Miles of Leicester, and Sir Lorenzo Anthony Shelby of Swindon.

All the knights were gearing up for the yearly tradition of a hunt. Once they rode up on their horses, the trumpet played which signaled the start of the hunt. All six knights were all representing Swindon and are the first team of knights to do the hunt.

"Alright now, Lance, Angelo. Both of you will be heading north. Matt and Lorenzo, head up east. Maury, you go East. And as for I, I'll head west. Regroup back at the castle when we give up." Uno said proudly. The others nodded and whished each other luck.


Meanwhile in present day England, Denise Star was just sadly driving around modern day Swindon to pick up some christmas decorations. Denise had been unlucky at love and was unable to obtain a boyfriend, she even wasn't able to have a man fall for her. Most men and people call her a freak because of her eye colour being yellow. Her Mother and Father both have yellow eyes, while her siblings have either blue and green ranging because of their relatives.

Denise sighed as she passed a tailor shop on Highworth Street. "If only I had a boyfriend who can take me there. It's been a while I've been there with my brothers." She said to herself sadly.

After a few minutes of driving, she finally arrived at the shops and went ahead to buy her decorations


As another day passed, the date was now December 4th 1343. And yet Uno and his merry band of friend like brothers hadn't found the bird of their hunt.

Uno sighed in defeat, his blue hair with it's green tuft inbetween his bangs were damp with small clumps of snow.

"Well, I shan't be able to find that wretched bird. Oh well. Come along Henry, let's head back to the castle." Uno said to his trusted horse.

Just as before he was to ride off, he saw an Old Crone walking around with near frostbitten fingers. He mounted off his horse and ran up.

As Uno approached the Old Crone, her frail hands trembled in the cold, and her cloak barely shielded her from the biting winds.

“Milady, thou should not be wandering in such harsh conditions. May I offer thee assistance?” Uno said, his voice full of concern as he pulled off his glove and offered it to her.

The Old Crone turned her head toward him, her eyes gleaming with something almost supernatural. “You, Sir Knight... you are the one I seek.”

Uno frowned slightly, confused. “Me? I am but a knight on a simple hunt, madam. What dost thou seek from me?”

“I need you to fulfill a quest,” the Crone whispered. “A quest not of this time, but of the future.”

“The future?” Uno echoed, now thoroughly puzzled.

With a swift, almost otherworldly movement, the Old Crone grabbed his arm and pulled him close, murmuring ancient words. Before he could react, everything around him—snow, trees, the distant outline of Castle Thorn—blurred into an incomprehensible swirl of light.


Modern Swindon, present day.

Denise sighed as she loaded the last of her shopping bags into the trunk of her car. Christmas lights twinkled along the streets, but they did little to lift her spirits. "Another year alone," she muttered to herself as she pulled out of the parking lot.

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