Enjoying The Room (Pokémon)

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The morning sun had fully risen, filling the hotel suite with a warm, golden light. Uno, Denise, and their Pokémon were all gathered around the television, watching a light-hearted show. The room buzzed with contentment and relaxation.

Denise was comfortably nestled next to Uno on the couch, her mind drifting as she absentmindedly stroked Thorn's head. Pippin, Frosty, and Flash were cuddled up around them, enjoying the peaceful atmosphere. The show played in the background, but Denise's thoughts were elsewhere.

"Uno," she said, her voice soft and thoughtful. "Do you think we could be married someday?"

Uno, half-focused on the TV and half on the warm presence of Denise beside him, responded just as absentmindedly. "Sure, we could just get engaged today."

Denise blinked, her mind snapping back to the present. "Wait, what?" She turned to look at him, her eyes wide with surprise.

Uno's own eyes widened as he processed what he had just said. He turned to face her, a mix of shock and realization on his face. "I mean... yeah, why not? We could get engaged today."

Denise's surprise turned into a soft smile, her eyes shining with affection. "Are you serious, Uno?"

Uno took a deep breath, his heart pounding with a mix of excitement and nervousness. He nodded, a determined look in his eyes. "Yes, Denise. I'm serious. I love you, and I can't imagine my life without you. Let's get engaged today."

The Pokémon, sensing the shift in their humans' emotions, perked up. Pippin chirped happily, Frosty let out a soft bark, and Flash flapped his wings excitedly.

Denise felt her heart swell with love. She leaned in and kissed Uno softly. "I love you too, Uno. Let's do it."

Uno smiled, his eyes brimming with happiness. "Alright, it's settled then."

Victoria, who had been resting on Denise's lap, yipped happily. Thorn nuzzled closer to Denise, sensing her joy. The other Pokémon gathered around, chirping and yipping in excitement.

Uno looked around at their Pokémon family, his heart full. "Looks like everyone approves."

Denise laughed softly. "They’re part of this family too. It’s perfect."

Uno took Denise's hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. "Denise, will you marry me?"

Denise's eyes filled with happy tears as she nodded. "Yes, Uno. I will marry you."

The room erupted in happy noises from the Pokémon. Pippin and Frosty nuzzled closer to Uno, and Flash chirped joyfully from his perch on Uno’s shoulder. Thorn and Victoria yipped and danced around Denise, sharing in her happiness.

Uno and Denise shared a long, loving kiss, sealing their promise to each other. As they pulled apart, they both knew that this moment was just the beginning of a beautiful journey together.

Denise rested her head on Uno's shoulder, feeling a sense of peace and contentment. "This is perfect, Uno. I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you."

Uno wrapped his arm around her, holding her close. "Me neither, Denise. Our future is going to be amazing."

As they sat there, surrounded by their Pokémon and filled with love, they knew that their bond was stronger than ever. The TV show continued to play in the background, but their focus was entirely on each other and the beautiful life they were beginning together.

As the excitement of their engagement settled into a warm, comfortable glow, Uno suddenly remembered something.

"Denise," he said, turning to her with a thoughtful expression. "Do you still have your Flabébé?"

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