The Lord Falls In Love (R)

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Lord Uno Winter strolled down the cobblestone streets of Swindon, his navy blue suit pristine under the warm morning sun. The town was a charming blend of old-world architecture and modern bustle, and Uno often found solace in its familiar streets. His blue hair and eyes caught the light, giving him an almost ethereal presence, a stark contrast to the historic buildings that surrounded him.

Swindon had been his sanctuary ever since he inherited his title at the tender age of seventeen. His parents' cruelty had been so severe that even his grandparents, who had initially disapproved of them, stepped in to ensure Uno's well-being by disowning them and granting Uno the family estate. Now, at twenty, he walked the streets with the quiet confidence of someone who had survived and thrived despite his past.

Uno's Timex NASA watch showed that it was nearly time for his favorite morning ritual—a visit to the quaint café on the corner of Market Street. The café, known as The Blooming Brew, was a unique blend of coffee shop and florist, and it was run by the charming Denise Star. Denise was his age, with flowing brown hair and striking yellow eyes that always seemed to spark with an inner light.

As he approached, he saw Denise arranging a vibrant bouquet of flowers in the window. She was dressed in a simple green apron over a white dress, her hands moving deftly among the petals. The sight of her always made his heart skip a beat.

"Good morning, Denise," Uno said, stepping into the café, the bell above the door chiming softly.

Denise looked up, her eyes lighting up when she saw him. "Lord Winter," she greeted him with a warm smile. "Right on time, as usual."

"Please, Denise, call me Uno," he replied, returning her smile. "How are you this morning?"

"Busy as ever," she said with a cheerful laugh, gesturing to the numerous bouquets and the steady stream of coffee orders. "But I can't complain. What can I get you today?"

"The usual, please. A black coffee and one of your famous lemon scones," Uno said, taking a seat by the window where he could watch the town come to life.

Denise nodded and began preparing his order. "How's everything at the estate? Still keeping busy with all your lordly duties?"

Uno chuckled. "As busy as a lord can be in a town like Swindon. Mostly it's managing the estate and attending the occasional meeting. It's nothing too exciting."

"Well, you do bring a bit of excitement to our little town," Denise said as she brought his coffee and scone to the table. "It's not every day we have a young lord with blue hair wandering around."

Uno grinned, taking a sip of his coffee. "I suppose I do stand out a bit. But I quite like it here. It's... peaceful."

Denise sat down across from him, a curious glint in her eye. "Tell me more about your estate. I've heard it's quite grand."

"It is," Uno said, nodding. "The Winter Manor has been in my family for generations. It's a bit overwhelming at times, but it's also home. I spend a lot of time in the gardens. They remind me of this place, actually."

"Gardens, huh?" Denise said, her interest piqued. "I didn't know you had a green thumb."

"Well, I dabble," Uno said modestly. "I find it relaxing. Much like your flowers here."

Denise's smile grew softer. "Maybe you could give me some tips sometime. I've been trying to expand my floral arrangements, and a little advice wouldn't hurt."

"I'd be happy to," Uno said warmly. "Anytime."

As the morning wore on, customers came and went, but Uno and Denise continued their conversation, sharing stories and laughter. It felt effortless, natural, as if they'd known each other for years.

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