A Run In (HS) (SC)

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Uno Winter dashed through the bustling corridors of the high school, his blue suit and matching necktie flapping as he navigated the sea of students. His blue hair stood out against the crowd, his blue eyes focused on the clock ticking above the entrance to the gym. He was running late to meet up with his football team for an important strategy session before their big match.

Meanwhile, Denise Star walked calmly down the same corridor, her yellow eyes scanning her notes as she reviewed for her next class. She wore the school's uniform with a cardigan, her brown hair neatly pulled back. Known as the school's top student, she had a reputation for always being prepared and punctual.

Just as Uno rounded a corner at full speed, Denise turned the same corner, her head still buried in her notes. They collided with a thud, sending Denise's papers flying and causing both of them to stumble.

"Oh, I'm so sorry!" Uno exclaimed, quickly bending down to help pick up the scattered papers.

"No, it's okay. I should have been paying more attention," Denise replied, a bit flustered as she knelt to gather her notes. As their hands brushed while picking up the same paper, they both looked up, their eyes meeting for a brief moment.

"Denise, right?" Uno asked, recognizing her as the school's top student.

"Yes, and you're Uno Winter, the football captain," Denise responded, her heart racing slightly from the unexpected encounter.

Uno smiled apologetically. "I really am sorry about that. I was in such a rush to meet my team. How about I make it up to you? Maybe... a coffee or something?"

Denise's eyes widened in surprise. "Are you... asking me out on a date?"

Uno chuckled nervously, scratching the back of his head. "Yeah, I guess I am. Just as a way to say sorry."

Denise hesitated for a moment, then smiled. "I'd like that. Thank you, Uno."

"Great! How about tomorrow after school?" Uno suggested.

"Sounds perfect," Denise agreed, feeling a flutter of excitement.

Uno stood up, offering his hand to help Denise up. "See you then, Denise."

"See you," she replied, taking his hand and standing up. As Uno hurried off to meet his team, Denise headed towards her friends, her heart still pounding.

In the cafeteria, Denise's friends were waiting. Olivia, Jada, Jea, Avva, Kate, Zoey, Dara, Patricia, and Acel all looked up as Denise approached, a wide smile on her face.

"Denise, why do you look so happy?" Olivia asked, raising an eyebrow.

"You won't believe what just happened," Denise said, sitting down with them. "I literally bumped into Uno Winter, and he asked me out on a date!"

Her friends gasped in unison. "No way!" Zoey exclaimed.

"THE Uno Winter? The football captain?" Jada asked incredulously.

"Yes! He said it was to apologize for bumping into me, but still!" Denise beamed.

Acel leaned in closer. "You've been crushing on him for ages! This is huge!"

Denise nodded, her excitement barely contained. "I know! I really hope this turns into something more."

"Don't worry, Denise," Kate said reassuringly. "Uno would be lucky to have you. Just be yourself."

"Yeah, and keep us updated on everything!" Dara added, grinning.

Denise laughed. "Of course, I will. I can't believe this is happening!"

As the bell rang, signaling the end of lunch, Denise gathered her things, still buzzing with excitement. Tomorrow's date with Uno Winter was all she could think about, and she couldn't wait to see where it would lead.

The next afternoon, Denise found herself at the school football field, looking for a good spot to watch Uno and his team during their training session. She scanned the field, her eyes searching for the familiar blue suit. To her surprise, there he was, running drills in his full suit, complete with the matching necktie.

"Is he seriously training in that?" she muttered to herself, incredulous.

Curiosity getting the better of her, she approached the edge of the field where Coach Alfreds was standing, clipboard in hand. The coach, a tall man with a stern yet approachable demeanor, noticed her coming and gave a small nod of acknowledgment.

"Good afternoon, Coach Alfreds," Denise greeted politely.

"Afternoon, Denise. What brings you here?" the coach asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I came to watch the training, but I couldn't help but notice..." She gestured towards Uno, who was currently sprinting down the field in his suit. "Why is Uno still wearing his suit while he's training?"

Coach Alfreds chuckled softly. "Ah, that. It's a bit of a unique tradition for him."

"Really?" Denise asked, intrigued. "What's the story behind it?"

"Well," Coach Alfreds began, his tone softening, "when Uno was just a boy, his parents left him. They didn't care much for him, and it was his grandparents who took him in and raised him. They were always dressed in suits, being quite old-fashioned. They'd play with him in the backyard, tossing a football around, even in their suits. It became a symbol of comfort and good luck for Uno."

Denise's heart ached hearing the story. "So, he wears the suit as a sort of good luck charm before games?"

"Exactly," the coach nodded. "It's his way of feeling connected to his grandparents, and it brings him a sense of stability and confidence."

Denise watched Uno as he effortlessly maneuvered through the drills, his suit not seeming to hinder him in the slightest. "That's really touching. I had no idea."

Coach Alfreds smiled warmly. "Uno's a strong kid. He's been through a lot, but he channels all of that into his passion for football. It's what makes him such a great captain."

Denise nodded, feeling a new layer of respect for Uno. "Thank you for sharing that with me, Coach."

"Of course, Denise. It's nice to see someone take an interest in the team beyond just the games," Coach Alfreds said, giving her a friendly pat on the shoulder before returning to his clipboard.

Denise continued to watch the practice, her admiration for Uno growing with each passing minute. As the training session wrapped up, Uno jogged over to the sidelines, catching sight of Denise.

"Hey, Denise," he called out, slightly out of breath but smiling brightly.

"Hey, Uno. You were amazing out there," she praised, her eyes sparkling with genuine admiration.

"Thanks," Uno replied, running a hand through his blue hair. "I'm glad you came to watch."

"I wouldn't miss it," Denise said. "By the way, I talked to Coach Alfreds. He told me about your grandparents and the suits. That's really special, Uno."

Uno's expression softened. "Yeah, it is. They meant a lot to me, and this is my way of honoring them."

Denise smiled, feeling a deeper connection forming between them. "I think it's wonderful. You're really inspiring, you know that?"

Uno blushed slightly, looking away for a moment. "Thanks, Denise. That means a lot coming from you."

As they stood there, the rest of the team started to gather their things, calling out goodbyes to Uno as they left the field. Uno turned back to Denise, his blue eyes meeting her yellow ones.

"Ready for our date tomorrow?" he asked, a hint of excitement in his voice.

"Definitely," Denise replied, her heart fluttering with anticipation. "I can't wait."

"Me neither," Uno said, his smile widening. "I'll see you then."

Denise nodded, waving as she walked away. She couldn't help but feel that this date would be the start of something truly special.

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