Birthday Plans (CF)

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After finishing their delightful dinner, Uno, Denise, Simon, and Mr. Bradley cleaned up the kitchen together. There was a sense of camaraderie as they worked, sharing stories and laughter.

Once the kitchen was tidy, Simon suggested, "How about a nice bath to relax before bed?"

Uno and Denise nodded eagerly. "That sounds great," Denise said with a smile.

Simon led them to the grand bathroom, where a warm bath had already been drawn. The room was filled with the soothing scent of lavender, and the steam from the hot water created a comforting atmosphere.

"You two enjoy your bath," Simon said, handing them fluffy towels. "I’ll be just outside if you need anything."

Uno and Denise climbed into the bath, letting the warm water wash away the day's excitement and stress. They soaked in silence for a few moments, enjoying the peacefulness.

Denise broke the silence, her voice soft. "Today was really something, wasn’t it?"

Uno nodded, leaning back against the edge of the tub. "Yeah, it was. I still can’t believe everything that’s happened."

Denise smiled, reaching out to hold his hand. "We’ve been through a lot, but we’re together. That’s what matters."

Uno squeezed her hand, feeling a wave of gratitude. "I’m really lucky to have you, Denise. You’ve always been there for me."

"And I always will be," Denise replied, her eyes filled with affection. "We’re a team."

After their bath, they dried off and changed into their pajamas. Simon returned to escort them to their bedroom, where the soft glow of the bedside lamp created a cozy ambiance.

"Sleep well, young lord and lady," Simon said, tucking them in. "If you need anything during the night, just call for me."

"Thank you, Simon," Uno said, feeling a deep sense of comfort from the butler's presence.

Denise snuggled close to Uno, resting her head on his arm. "Goodnight, Simon," she said with a yawn.

Simon smiled warmly. "Goodnight, you two."

As Simon left the room, Uno and Denise cuddled together under the covers. Denise shifted slightly, resting her head on Uno's chest to feel his warmth.

"Is this okay?" she asked softly.

Uno wrapped his arm around her, pulling her closer. "It’s perfect," he whispered. "I like having you close."

Denise sighed contentedly. "Me too. It makes me feel safe."

Uno kissed the top of her head. "I promise I’ll always protect you, Denise. No matter what."

"And I’ll always be here for you," Denise replied, her voice filled with love.

They lay there in silence for a while, the sound of their breathing the only noise in the room. The events of the day played through their minds, but they felt a sense of peace knowing they were together.

"Uno?" Denise murmured, her voice heavy with sleep.

"Yes, Denise?" Uno replied, his eyes starting to droop.

"I love you," she said, her words slurring slightly.

"I love you too," Uno whispered back, his heart full.

As they drifted off to sleep, the warmth of their embrace and the comfort of each other’s presence surrounded them. For the first time in a long while, Uno felt truly at peace. He knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, he and Denise would face them together.

As Uno and Denise slept peacefully, Simon met with the other staff members in the manor’s spacious kitchen. They gathered around the large wooden table, eager to discuss the plans for Uno’s upcoming birthday.

"Thank you all for coming," Simon began, addressing the group. "I know it's still four months away, but I wanted to start planning Uno's birthday on April 7th. He’s been through a lot, and I want this celebration to make him feel truly loved and appreciated."

The staff nodded in agreement, their faces showing determination to make the day special.

Mrs. Jenkins, the governess, spoke up first. "I think we should have a theme. Something that reflects Uno’s interests and passions. Perhaps something related to football?"

Simon nodded thoughtfully. "That's a great idea. Uno loves football. We could have a football-themed party, complete with decorations, games, and maybe even a friendly match in the garden."

Mr. Bradley, the chef, added, "We could prepare his favorite foods. I know he loves a good roast dinner, and we can have a special football-themed cake."

"And we’ll need some entertainment," said Mr. Collins, the gardener. "Maybe we could hire a magician or a performer. Kids love that sort of thing."

Simon smiled, appreciating the enthusiasm. "These are all excellent suggestions. Let's also remember to include activities for Denise and their friends. They should all feel part of the celebration."

Mr. Thompson, the groundskeeper, suggested, "We could set up different stations for games and crafts. Something fun and engaging for all the kids."

"And what about gifts?" asked Mrs. Lawson, the housekeeper. "We should make sure he gets something meaningful."

Simon nodded. "I’ve already started thinking about that. Perhaps we could all chip in and get him something special, like a custom football kit with his name on it. And for Denise, maybe a matching kit, so they feel like a team."

Everyone agreed, and the excitement in the room grew.

"Now, about the guest list," Simon said, his tone becoming serious. "Uno’s parents will not be invited. They’re incarcerated, and even if they weren't, they’ve done nothing but hurt him. This celebration is about surrounding Uno with people who care for him."

The staff murmured their agreement. "We’ll invite his friends from school, and of course, Denise’s parents and his grandparents," Mrs. Jenkins said. "They've all been so supportive."

Simon smiled, feeling a sense of warmth and unity. "Thank you all. I appreciate your dedication to making Uno’s birthday special. Let’s keep working on the details, and remember, it’s about showing Uno how much he’s loved."

They spent the next hour brainstorming more ideas, discussing everything from decorations to potential venues for the party. The atmosphere was filled with excitement and a shared determination to give Uno a day he would never forget.

As the meeting wrapped up, Simon stood and addressed the group one last time. "Thank you again for your commitment. Let’s make sure we keep this a surprise and work together to make this the best birthday Uno has ever had."

The staff dispersed with smiles on their faces, eager to begin preparations. Simon stayed behind for a moment, looking around the room and feeling a sense of satisfaction. He knew that with the love and support of everyone in the manor, Uno’s birthday would be a truly special occasion.

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