House By The Bar and Mountain (PSB)

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Once they finished decorating the bar and basked in the warmth of their moments together, Uno and Denise gathered the last of their things. Uno gestured toward the door. "Ready to see the house?"

Denise's eyes lit up with curiosity. "Absolutely. Lead the way."

They exited the bar and made their way to Uno’s R32. As they walked into the garage, Denise’s eyes widened in amazement. Inside, under soft, dim lighting, were three more GT-styled beauties: an R33, R34, and R35, each modified to the same sleek standards as the R32.

"Wow, Uno," Denise whispered, her voice filled with awe as she admired the cars. "I didn’t realize you were building a whole collection here."

Uno chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck. "Yeah, I’ve got a bit of a thing for GT-Rs. But don't worry about them for now. I want to show you something else—my quiet little path to Swindon Manor."

"Alright," Denise smiled, following Uno as they stepped out of the garage and into the cold, crisp mountain air.

The walk was peaceful, the snow crunching under their feet as they followed a narrow path illuminated by soft lights along the trail. As they walked, Denise’s mind wandered back to the first time she had heard about Swindon Manor.

"You know," she started, glancing over at Uno, "I still remember when Jada and I were recommended to check out Swindon Manor. Our boss said, ‘You ladies need to see this place; it’s one of a kind.’ He wasn’t wrong. I never imagined I’d end up here... or with you."

Uno grinned. "Yeah? What’d you think of the place when you first saw it?"

Denise chuckled, hugging her coat tighter. "It was overwhelming at first. But there was something about it... something welcoming. I guess I know now it was your touch."

Uno smirked. "I’m glad you liked it. But wait until you see the bar from this entrance."

They reached a backdoor to Swindon Manor, and Uno held it open for Denise, who stepped inside, her breath visible in the cool air. Once in the bar area, a figure was busy organizing bottles behind the counter. Uno grinned.

"Tatsuya!" Uno called out.

Tatsuya Ryuu, his friend and the new manager, turned around, surprised. "Uno! Didn’t expect you to pop in tonight."

Uno waved him over, motioning to Denise. "Tatsuya, meet Denise. She’s been helping me with the corner bar, and well... she's special to me."

Tatsuya raised an eyebrow and smirked. "Oh, I see. Nice to meet you, Denise." He extended his hand.

Denise shook his hand, smiling warmly. "Nice to meet you too. I've heard good things."

Tatsuya chuckled. "Likewise. Uno doesn’t stop talking about you."

Denise shot Uno a teasing look. "Oh really? That’s funny, he never mentioned that."

Uno raised his hands defensively. "Okay, maybe not *that* much."

They laughed, and after a few minutes of catching up, Uno led Denise behind the bar. "Let me show you a few basics, in case you want to get hands-on with the drinks at the corner bar."

Uno started with a simple cocktail, guiding Denise through the steps. "You’ll want to start by chilling the glass. Then you build the drink in a shaker—see, just like this."

Denise followed his instructions closely, her brow furrowed in concentration. "Like this?"

"Exactly," Uno said, nodding approvingly. "You’re a natural."

After a few drinks and some lighthearted banter, Uno glanced at the clock. "Alright, we’ve spent enough time here. How about I show you the house?"

Denise’s eyes sparkled with curiosity. "Yes, please."

They exited Swindon Manor and walked back along the path toward Uno’s house. When they arrived, Uno led Denise inside, and she immediately noticed the modern yet warm feel of the space. The interiors were a blend of Art Deco and Art Nouveau designs, with sleek furniture and soft, ambient lighting.

Uno took her on a brief tour, starting with the main areas. "This is the living room," he said, motioning to a spacious room with plush couches and a fireplace. "And here’s the kitchen—fully stocked and always ready for cooking. Though I’m more of a drinks guy."

Denise chuckled. "I’m sure it’s just as impressive as your drinks."

Uno grinned, leading her upstairs. "Let me show you my bedroom."

They entered his bedroom, which was simple yet elegant, with clean lines and a soft color palette. Uno walked over to a door on the side, opening it to reveal a walk-in closet filled with similar-looking suits, neatly lined up on hangers.

Denise's eyes widened as she looked at the rows of suits. "Wow, how many of these do you have?"

Uno chuckled. "Enough to last a while. Let me show you something else." He pulled open a drawer, revealing a collection of blue analog watches, each one slightly different from the next. "These are my watches," he said, smiling fondly. "I’m kind of particular about them."

Denise reached out to touch one, admiring the craftsmanship. "They’re beautiful."

Uno then opened another drawer, revealing an array of blue neckties, each with a different number of slanted stripes. "And these are my ties. Kind of a theme going on here, as you can tell."

Denise laughed softly. "I’ve noticed." She looked at him, a playful glint in her eye. "So... do you have any casual clothes? Or is it just suits all the time?"

Uno smirked, walking over to another closet and opening it. Inside were hoodies, T-shirts, jogging pants, and other casual attire. "I have a few casual things," he said, grinning. "Not all suits, I promise."

Denise stepped closer, her voice softening. "Do you mind if I stay the night?"

Uno smiled warmly, nodding. "Of course. You’re more than welcome to sleep here with me."

They shared a tender look before Uno continued the house tour, showing Denise the bathroom, which was sleek and modern, the personal bar counter in the living room, and the stylish basement study that incorporated a cave into its design. "This is where I get most of my work done," Uno explained, motioning to the study.

Denise ran her fingers along the smooth surface of the desk, looking around in awe. "This place is incredible. It’s like a whole world tucked away up here."

Uno smiled, his voice soft. "I built it to be a sanctuary... for me and, well, anyone I care about."

Denise turned to him, her eyes warm. "I’m glad you’re sharing it with me."

Uno nodded, taking her hand. "Come on, let’s get ready for bed."

They returned to the bedroom, where Uno pulled back the covers and welcomed Denise into his arms. The room was quiet, the only sound being the soft hum of the night outside. As they lay there, close together, the warmth of the moment wrapped around them, making the world feel distant and peaceful.

Denise smiled sleepily, resting her head against his chest. "This feels perfect."

Uno kissed the top of her head, his voice a soft murmur. "It is."

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