The Dark Side Of Uno (FTL)

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The next morning, Denise headed out to school with a mixture of excitement and nervousness. Today was her last day before joining The Kings on their trip to Hokkaido, and she was looking forward to the future. However, she knew she had to face one more day at school, and the thought of encountering Isabelle and her gang made her anxious.

As she walked through the school halls, she could feel the usual stares and whispers. She kept her head down, hoping to get through the day without any trouble. But as she approached her locker, she saw Isabelle and her friends waiting for her, their expressions full of malice.

“Well, well, well, if it isn’t the freak,” Isabelle sneered, stepping in front of Denise. “I heard you had quite the night with your rock star boyfriend.”

Denise tried to ignore her and opened her locker, but Isabelle wasn’t having it. She shoved Denise hard, slamming her against the lockers.

“Leave me alone, Isabelle,” Denise said, trying to keep her voice steady.

“Why don’t you make me?” Isabelle taunted, grabbing Denise’s backpack and throwing it to the ground.

Denise bent down to pick up her things, but Isabelle kicked them away, laughing. “You think you’re so special, don’t you? Just because you have those freaky eyes and now a famous boyfriend.”

Denise looked up, her anger boiling. “I never did anything to you, Isabelle. Why do you hate me so much?”

“Because you’re a freak,” Isabelle spat, grabbing Denise by the arm and shoving her into an open locker. Before Denise could react, Isabelle slammed the locker door shut and locked it, leaving Denise trapped inside.

Denise banged on the door, but the sound was drowned out by Isabelle’s laughter as she walked away with her friends. Panic set in as Denise realized she couldn’t get out.


Meanwhile, across town, Uno and his bandmates were setting up for a surprise concert at Denise’s school. They wanted to give her a memorable send-off and show the school how much she meant to them.

As they started their first song, the students gathered around, excited to see the famous band perform. Uno scanned the crowd, looking for Denise, but she was nowhere to be seen. His gut feeling told him something was wrong.

“Stop the music!” Uno shouted, his voice cutting through the excitement. “Where’s Denise?”

The students looked around, confused. Uno jumped off the stage and approached the crowd. “Has anyone seen Denise?”

A few students murmured, shaking their heads. Just then, Uno spotted Isabelle in the back, holding something that looked familiar. It was the watch and ring he had given Denise.

Uno’s eyes narrowed, and he stormed over to Isabelle, grabbing her by the arm. “Where did you get that?” he demanded, his voice low and dangerous.

Isabelle tried to pull away, but Uno tightened his grip. “Tell me where Denise is. Now.”

Isabelle smirked, trying to act tough. “Why should I?”

Uno leaned in closer, his eyes cold. “If you don’t tell me where she is and give back what you stole, I’ll make sure your family never hears from you again. And trust me, my bandmates will assist.”

Isabelle’s confidence wavered as she looked into Uno’s eyes. She could see he wasn’t bluffing. “Alright, alright! She’s in her locker, number 23. Just let me go!”

Uno released her arm and snatched the watch and ring from her. “If you ever go near her again, you’ll regret it.”

With that, he and his bandmates ran into the school, searching for locker 23. They found it quickly and could hear Denise’s muffled cries from inside. Uno grabbed the lock and yanked it open, pulling Denise into his arms.

“Denise! Are you okay?” he asked, his voice filled with concern.

Denise clung to him, tears streaming down her face. “I’m okay now. Thank you.”

Lance, Angelo, Matt, Maury, and Lorenzo stood around them, forming a protective circle. “You’re safe now,” Lance said softly.

Uno handed Denise the watch and ring. “I got these back for you. I’m sorry you had to go through this.”

Denise took them, her hands shaking. “Thank you, Uno. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”

Uno kissed her forehead gently. “You don’t have to worry about that. We’re in this together.”

As they walked back to the stage, the students looked on in awe. Uno took the microphone and addressed the crowd. “This is for anyone who’s ever felt like they don’t belong. You’re not alone. And if anyone tries to hurt you, they’ll have to answer to us.”

As Uno and his bandmates finished their small break, the atmosphere shifted. The crowd was still buzzing with excitement, but there was an undercurrent of tension. Uno took the microphone, his voice firm and commanding.

“Listen up,” he began, his gaze sweeping over the crowd. “I want to make something very clear. If anyone here is friends with Isabelle or knows where she is, I suggest you keep your mouths shut. Because if you come after Denise or anyone else again, my bandmates and I won’t hesitate to track you down. And when we do, we won’t just hurt you. We’ll torture you, and then we’ll brutally murder you.”

The crowd fell silent, stunned by Uno’s words. Denise looked up at him, her eyes wide with fear and admiration. She had never seen this side of him before, but she knew he was serious.

Uno handed the microphone back to the stage crew and turned to his bandmates. “Let’s finish this set and get out of here.”

The band launched into their next song, and the crowd cheered, but there was an underlying unease. No one dared to cross Uno and his bandmates, not after witnessing the intensity in his eyes.

After the concert, as Uno and Denise made their way out of the school, they were surrounded by a group of girls. Uno’s bandmates formed a protective circle around them, ready to defend them if necessary.

“Uno, can we get a picture with you?” one of the girls asked, her voice trembling slightly.

Uno’s expression softened, and he nodded. “Sure, but make it quick.”

As they took the picture, Uno leaned in close to the girls, his voice low and threatening. “Remember what I said. If anyone tries to come after Denise again, you’ll regret it.”

The girls nodded, their eyes wide with fear, and quickly dispersed. Uno turned to Denise, his expression grim.

“I’m sorry you had to see that side of me,” he said softly, taking her hand in his. “But I won’t let anyone hurt you again. I promise.”

Denise squeezed his hand, feeling a rush of gratitude. “Thank you, Uno. I know you mean it.”

As they walked out of the school, Uno’s bandmates stayed close, their eyes scanning the surroundings for any sign of trouble. Denise knew that with Uno and his bandmates by her side, she was safe. And as they headed off into the night, she couldn’t help but feel a sense of relief. She was ready to leave Swindon behind and start a new chapter of her life with Uno and The Kings.

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