Meeting with the King (MCK)

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The following morning arrived with a crisp, cool breeze sweeping through the streets of Swindon. The early light filtered through the windows of Denise’s cottage, casting a warm glow across the sleeping knights, who were still sprawled across the living room floor.

Uno stirred first, blinking awake as the scent of freshly brewed coffee wafted through the air. He sat up slowly, noticing Denise already bustling in the kitchen, preparing a hearty breakfast for their journey ahead.

The plan was set. They were heading to London—to Buckingham Palace—to seek an audience with the king. It sounded absurd, yet the journal’s words echoed in his mind, filling him with a strange sense of purpose. His comrades, still unaware of the full weight of what was about to unfold, slept peacefully.

Denise caught his gaze and smiled, walking over with two mugs of coffee. "Morning. I made breakfast for everyone, figured you all would need the energy." She handed Uno a cup, leaning in to kiss his cheek.

Uno smiled softly, taking the coffee. “You always think of everything, don’t you?”

Denise chuckled. “Someone has to keep you knights in line.”

As the knights began to stir, rubbing their eyes and stretching, Denise filled them in on the plan over breakfast. Lance, ever the strategist, furrowed his brow. “You’re telling me we’re going to walk up to the king’s palace and request an audience? Just like that?”

“It’s not that simple,” Denise replied, nibbling on a piece of toast. “But if we play this right, we can get in. We’ll need to present ourselves as dignified, well… as knights.”

Matt raised an eyebrow, still chewing on his bacon. “Does the king even know who we are?”

Uno glanced at him, nodding toward the journal he’d found. “If the journal is correct, he should. King Richard II wrote about us. His words make it seem like we were expected.”

Maury, ever skeptical, leaned back in his chair. “But will this King Charles believe it? We’re talking about jumping through time here. No offense, but it sounds… well, it sounds insane.”

Denise looked at him firmly. “It might sound crazy, but we have proof. The journal, your exploits, your mannerisms—there’s no mistaking who you all are.”

Lorenzo chimed in, crossing his arms. “And if they don’t believe us?”

Denise smiled confidently. “Then we’ll just have to convince them. We’re not giving up, not when we’re this close.”

With breakfast finished and the knights gathered around, Denise and Uno helped the group dress in more modern attire, opting for suits instead of their traditional armor. The knights were hesitant at first, but once dressed, they looked surprisingly dashing in their suits, a fusion of past chivalry and present-day refinement.

Matt adjusted his tie awkwardly. “I feel like I’m being strangled by this thing.”

Denise smirked. “You’ll get used to it.”

Lance, ever the commander, was already thinking ahead. “So, how are we getting to London? Horses aren’t exactly a viable option anymore.”

Denise winked. “I thought you’d ask. I’ve rented us a van.”

The knights stared at her blankly.

“A van?” Angelo echoed. “What’s that?”

Denise laughed, shaking her head. “You’ll see.”

A couple of hours later, the group found themselves on the highway, speeding toward London in a sleek black van. Denise drove with Uno in the passenger seat, while the rest of the knights sat in the back, their eyes wide with amazement as they watched the landscape zip by.

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