'Perfect' Vice Captain - Koushi Sugawara

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Word count: 1022

Paring: Koushi Sugawara x Gn! Reader

Summary: Just a relaxing evening for Koushi's birthday, well relaxing and poking fun at his sill behavior in highschool

A/n: Happy Birthday to the prettiest of the pretty setter squad, Koushi Sugawara. It's not exactly the way I wanted it to turn out but I am happy with it. I love Suga, he is by far my favorite Haikyuu character and he deserves so much more attention than he gets. Anyways enjoy and as always remember to hydrate or diedrate.

You would expect that someone as chaotic as Koushi Sugawara would want some crazy birthday party, or at least a get together with his closest friends. But I'm here to tell you, after a long day teaching elementary schoolers how to write and read, all Koushi wanted to do was go home and relax with his partner. And relaxing with his partner is exactly what he is going to get.

I had taken the day off from my job so I could stay home and make sure everything was clean and there was nothing that Koushi would have to worry about when he got home. It was my full intention to make the evening as calm and relaxed as possible. As it got closer to the time Koushi would be arriving home, I got out some sweats and t-shirt for him to change into after he takes his normal after work shower. I also made sure to order his favorite take out dinner in advance asking for it to be delivered roughly an hour after the time he gets home knowing how long his after work routine takes.

Double checking everything was ready so he didn't have to worry about anything when he got home, I moved to wait for him in the living room. I focused on just scrolling through various social medias laughing at some of the embarrassing photos our friends from highschool had posted in honor of Koushi's special day, most notably was a picture of him karate chopping Asahi in the gut with the caption 'Sugamama was vicious' courteous of one Ryunoske Tanaka. Leaving a quick agreement to the caption, I turned from my phone at the sound of keys in the front door.

I quickly jumped up heading to meet the gray haired dork at the door. "Welcome home, Love. How was your day? Did the kids do anything special for you this year?" I asked about his day as he switched to his house slippers.

"My day was wonderful, thank you for asking dear." He said as he placed a kiss on my forehead. "As for the kids, some of them made cards during free time, and few of them even brought me candy as a gift. It was really sweet." Koushi explained with a bright smile as he moved towards our shared bedroom and the connected bathroom.

"I'm glad you had a good day, but now that you are home you don't have to worry about anything else for the day. It's your day so I plan to make the evening as relaxing for you as possible." I assured him, moving to lay on our bed while he went into the bathroom.

As he flipped the light on, it was clear from the light chuckle he let out that he was not expecting it to be set up for his shower already. "You didn't have to set up my clothes for me, my love." He turned to look at me.

"You're right I didn't have to, but it's your birthday and I said you didn't have to worry about anything and I meant it. Now go shower, and when you get out, dinner will be here and we can eat, and just relax for the rest of the evening." I explained shooing him into the bathroom.

Just as planned about ten minutes before Koushi was done with his normal long ass shower, there was a knock on the door signaling that our food had arrived. Getting off the bed I answered the door, taking the food to the kitchen and getting everything set up to eat.

Once Koushi was done showering, he joined me in the living room to eat. "I know you said I don't have to worry about anything tonight, but you didn't have to do all this for me." He said grabbing his food from the coffee table.

"Once again, it's your birthday and while I normally would have wanted to throw a party with all our friends, I figured since it's still the middle of the week a better option would be letting you have a carefree evening. Now eat your food before I decide to send a certain police man those pictures of you and Tanaka being complete idiots at the hotel during nationals in third year." I threatened, knowing that even if said event was years ago Koushi was not fond of the idea of Daichi finding out he was in fact not the responsible vice captain he claimed to be.

He rolled his eyes before taking another bite of his food. "You would dare ruin my reputation as a perfect vice captain, over me saying you don't have to spoil me." He said, completely serious if you can look past the glint of mischief in his eyes.

Taking a bite of my own food, I had to hold in a laugh to stop myself from choking. "Yeah 'perfect vice captain' okay tell that to the picture Tanaka posted of you karate chopping Asahi at the summer camp, or the one of you jumping like a lunatic after a match posted by Yachi. And don't even get me started on the numerous times you encouraged Kageyama and Hinata to be idiots just to see Tsuki nearly kill them both." I countered after finishing my bite of food.

"Ok, almost perfect vice captain, happy. Now can we just eat and then relax." He asked, a small yawn slipping past his smile. I nodded in agreement before finishing my food.

After we were both done eating, I quickly cleaned up the take out containers. Having filled up on comfort foods, we both agreed that just going and cuddling was the best way to end the night. As we layed in bed drifting in and out of sleep, I whispered one last thing to the beautiful man resting in my arms. "All jokes aside, Happy birthday Koushi, you are the best thing to happen to me. I love you so much" Taking the silence as a sign that he probably was already asleep, I let sleep take over my mind as well.

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