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I was about to go downstairs for water,that's when I hear her talking on the phone and what I hear is she is leaving in 2 days.
My heart feels like it will stop beating any minute,I take my keys as I walk out from her home,my mind doesn't wants to think,it really needs rest.

I enter my shop to see all those 3 people who have been with me for whole 2 years,who taken care of me.
I'm at a verge of crying,is she going to leave me again?
They see my face and rush towards me.

"What happened boss?",Ryan asks.
I tell them everything that happened but not about Warren and Nick though.
"I Don't want to stay here all alone",I tell them.
"You can stay at our house today",Rio says.
I lock my home and shop,and sat in their car,all the way to their house no one talked about anything or asked in that matter.

I stare outside the window,breeze hits my skin,I feel cold all of a sudden.
When I reached there home,they showed me my room,I just went inside and fell asleep.

In the morning Cleo wanted to give me a ride to my home,so she came with me,when she parked her car,I see Nea's car in front of me and my eyes immediately turns to her side mirror,she SAW,I run to her but she already started her car and left,I stand there screaming her name again and again but she doesn't comes back,I went near her house but she is not there,I went to her favorite place but she is not there too.
Where are you Nea?

I left and went to the park where we first went on a date,I sit there for hours,my mind going back to where I saw them,why is she still with him?
Didn't he say he doesn't like her?
Didn't he say he loves me?
Or did I thought wrong of them?
Maybe they were just hanging out with eachother?
What if they really are friends?
What if I was the one who rushed?
He said he loved me,I did saw in his eyes.
I remember all the things he said and I take my car and drive to him.
Please god let me be wrong,please.
I can't see him with anyone else,please show me that I'm wrong,please.

It's already 10.30pm when I reached his home,I parked in front of his shop,my heart beats faster as I enter the shop only to see someone else.
Who is he?
"Excuse me,hi, is Quade here?",I ask him.
"He is upstairs Nea,go to him",he says.
Wait,he knows my name?
"Sorry,do we know eachother?",I ask in confusion because I don't know him.
"I'm Cleo's husband Rio ,she told me to take care of him,so here I am",he says.
Cleo's husband?
She's married?
But it doesn't matter,I need to see Quade now,"thank you Mr Rio",I say to him as I run upstairs to his house.

He hasn't changed his pincode,when the door open,I enter,"
"Quade",I call out for him.
There is no answer so I close the door behind me and went further to his living room,he is not here too,I saw the couch,kitchen but he is not even there,his room right,I run to his room only to see him all drunk,bottle on his bed,the drinks is spilled everywhere,he didn't even removed his socks or shoes,he hasn't washed himself too and he is sleeping on his stomach.

He promised me that he wouldn't drink,but here he is,all drunk.
I keep my phone aside and I sat on my knees,I removed his shoes then his socks,I tried to remove the blanket under him,it reeks of alcohol.
I clean all the mess that he created,now it's time for his clothes,but he is sleeping on his stomach,how will I remove it?

I roll him over so that he is now sleeping on his back,I remove the buttons of his shirt as I lift him up a little so that I can remove it completely,then I remove his pant,I take a bowl of water and a towel,I wipe his body so that he won't reek of alcohol tomorrow morning when he wakes up.
I take out his clothes from the wardrobe and I dressed him up,I positioned his head on pillow as I tucked him in his bed,I can't believe,I did all these yet he is not waking up.

I went downstairs and told Rio to go home,told him that I am going to take care of Quade,he just nods and leaves,I closed the shop and switched off the lights and went upstairs.
I went to his room,he is now sleeping on his left side,I climb his bed and I sleep beside him,facing him,I brush his cheeks with my thumb,he nuzzled with my touch,I sleep closer to him,I wrap him around me,he is sleeping so peacefully after messing with my head,such an asshole,I tug him closer as I kiss him on his cheeks.

Hours later,he shifts in his sleep,I wake up instantly,I grab his face,I call him twice,"Quade..look at me Quade",
He slightly opens his eyes,his eyes filled with tears as he says,
"Nea is that you?",and I nod smiling at him.
He cries out even harder and I suddenly got up and tried to calm him down,he grabbed my waist as he cocooned himself in my arms like a scared kid.
"Don't leave me Nea,I can't live without you,please don't leave me,I will do whatever you want just please Don't leave me",he cries again.
He is not completely aware of what he is saying,he is half asleep,he is looking at me as if he is hallucinating about me,so I hug him closer as I say,
"I won't,I promise Quade I won't leave you,why would you even think like that?"

What's going on in this little head of his,why would he think I would leave him?
is it because he heard what I told to Warren?
Did he thought I would leave him permanently and go to Warren?
Or is it because I saw him with Cleo,he must've been scared that I may thought of their relationship in a wrong way? I did for few hours though and I hate myself for that but Whatever it is we will talk about this tomorrow,I have to.

HIS REGRET (1st BOOK) 18+Where stories live. Discover now