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One year later
"Where are we going?",I ask him.
"A place where I promised you to take you again",he says.
I try to think,he promised me something?
"OUR first date,ring any bells?",he says.
I try to remember and it suddenly hits me,I wanted him to take me on a picnic,right I forgot about it but he remembered.
I nod at him as he says,"come let's go".
"But what about snacks,breakfast,blanket and...",he bites my lip,I tremble.
"I have packed everything",he says pulling back.
He holds my hand as we buckle up ourselves inside the car.

We arrived at the tip of the mountain, it's greenery everywhere,he woke me so early,it's still 6.30 in the morning.
The view is breathtaking,as I breathe in the air,it's so warm as sun rises,he wraps his arms around me from behind and I cocoon myself into him.
He is just hugging me,it's such a small thing yet my heart beats out of it's chest,I could almost hear my heartbeats hammering crazily against my ribs.

"Come let's sit",he says dragging me.
We find a spot to sit and we spread the blanket on the grass as we place all other things that he brought.
We lay down,as sun rays fall on us,he turns to my side,propped up on his elbow,as he watches me.
"I can sense you staring",I say him.
He immediately pulls me closer,my back is now against his chest,I can feel his heartbeats,rapidly raising.

"Quade,I want to marry you as soon as possible",I tell him as I look at him over my shoulder. He brushes his cheeks with mine,I push him back as I sleep on him.
Listening to his heartbeats is the only music and rhythm I want throughout my life.
We stay like this,can time stop right here in this moment?
I want this moment to freeze.

"So,the time has finally come",I say to myself,smiling like an idiot.
I'm in my wedding dress,sitting in front of the mirror,I look at myself,I don't know how Quade will react at me when he sees me.
I hear a knock on the door,
"Who is it?",I ask.
"YOUR HUSBAND",he says making my heart pound.
"You're not",I tell him as I walk towards the door.
"YET",he says.
"OPEN the door Nea,I want to see you please",he pleads.
"Seeing before the marriage can bring bad luck",I say him.
"Do you believe that?",he asks.
"No I don't,but If it's really true then I don't want any bad luck in our lives",I tell him.
"Okay,I will be waiting,come as soon as possible, I want to see you desperately",he says and I smile.
"Okay I will",I say him.
I hear footsteps disappearing as I go back to my seat.
I hear a knock again,I smile as I say,
"Quade,you really have to wait",I tell.
"It's me Cleo,not Quade",Cleo screams from the other side of the door.
"Coming",I tell her as I went to open my door.
I told her to be my maid of honor and I almost saw tears in her eyes.

"Finally,it's time,let me put on this veil",Cleo says as I nod.
"Can I ask you something?",I ask her and she nods.
"How was your wedding?",I ask her and she goes still as she stares at nothing.
She is so silent that I refuse to ask her again.

I'm breathing heavily as I walk out of my room,I see the decorations,all filled with Lilac Roses with Baby's Breath.
I'm nervous to look at aisle,I don't know how he will react when he sees me,I try to look at him and he is breathing heavily.
My dad takes my hand as we walk down the aisle,I see Nick and Rio on stage with Quade.
I take a deep breath,it's finally happening,Quade bows down to take my hand,my dad hands me to him,I can see his tears as I hug my dad and I take Quade's hand,he entwined his fingers with mine.

"You're breathtakingly beautiful Nea",he says and I smile at him.
"You look beautifully handsome too",I say him and he chuckles.
"Is that a thing to say?",he asks.
"I don't know",I say as he smiles at me.

Wedding officiant looks at us smiling as he says,
"We are gathered here today to witness the sacred union of Mr.Quade Rigby and Ms.Nea Lexington.
We stand here to honor and celebrate the love shared between these two people, as they come together to start their new life with a solemn vows, surrounded by their closest family and friends."

"Your wedding vows are a sacred declaration of your love for each other, the foundation of your relationship as a married couple, and the life you want to build together."
"Please face eachother as you declare your vows to eachother",officiant says.
I take a deep breath as I look at him,the person who has the power to stop my breathing with just a sight of him.
He reaches his hands for mine as I take it.

I,Nea Lexington,take you,Quade Rigby to be my wedded husband,I promise to stay by your side through good and bad times, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health. I vow to stay true to you,I fell for you the day I met you,I wanted you, I needed you more than I thought and I know I will love you unconditionally for the rest of my life.

He takes a deep breath as he says,
I,Quade Rigby,take you,Nea Lexington to be my wedded wife,I promise to stay by your side through good and bad times, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health. I vow to stay true to you,
I know I have hurt you,pretty badly,and I swear to god,it scared the shit out of me,that I might lose you forever,the time you weren't with me was the scariest thing to ever happened to me,I know I may not have Fallen for you the moment I saw you,but you had me wrapped around your fingers the moment we met. I loved you desperately Nea and I want to spend every second of my life with you and I know that I will love you unconditionally for the rest of my life too.
My heart feels complete,as I look at him.

Do you,Quade Rigby,take this women to be your wedded wife?
Do you,Nea Lexington,take this man to be your wedded husband?

"Now let us proceed,it is now time for you to exchange rings. The rings symbolizes your love and commitment for eachother. May these rings always remind you of the commitment you are making here today.

We both exchange our rings.


He places his hand around my neck as he kisses me softly,his grip tightens as he kisses me deeply,desperately as if he was dying to do it.
A moan escapes from my mouth and I hear people clapping and chuckling.
I pull away immediately almost embarrassed,I look at him but he somewhat looks proud.

"Tonight it's going to be a big night,I'm not letting you sleep Nea",he growls near my ear and I tremble at the thought,it's really going to be a long night.

HIS REGRET (1st BOOK) 18+Where stories live. Discover now