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What is wrong with him?
I'm already pissed that he has become an alcoholic and now does he wants to be hospitalized for catching cold and fever?

He sees me and gets up immediately,he smiles but it isn't touching his eyes,I grab his hand and take him inside,he just follows me without a word.
I close the door and went upstairs to bring a blanket and wrapped it around him,he doesn't say a word,he just watches me doing it.
"Sit",I order and he does.
I watch him but he doesn't say a word and I sigh.
"What are you doing here Quade?",I ask.
"I just wanted to see you",he says almost quietly.
"I heard you started drinking",I say and he immediately meets my eyes.
He stood up and said,"I'm sorry Nea,I wanted to tell you but I didn't know how to,but I'm trying to quit it,I will I promise",he is panicking again.
And I just nod.
"Are you mad at me?",he asks almost sounding like a scared kid.
I don't know what to say so I just stay quiet.

Warren comes down and sees me with Quade,
"What are you doing here?",Warren asks Quade.
"Hi,I'm Quade,sorry I didn't introduced myself yesterday",he says.
"I know who you are,but my question was why are you here?",Warren asks harshly.
"Warren",I glare at him but he ignores.
"I'm here to see Nea",Quade says.
"Now that you have seen her,please leave",Warren replies.
"Warren stop",I yell at him.
"It's okay Nea,now that I saw you,I will get going and Warren thank you for taking care of her and staying with her",he says with a smile and yet it's not touching his eyes.
Quade unwrapped the blanket and he put it on the couch and said,"Bye Nea,good night",
I Don't say anything I just see as he walks out of my house,I feel uncomfortable all of a sudden,
how will he go to his home?,
will he be safe?,
what if he catches cold?,
what if he suddenly feels sick at night?,
what if he drinks again?

I turn to see Warren still standing and glaring at Quade as he walked out.
"What is wrong with you Warren,why would you behave like that?"
"He hurt you Nea, I don't like him",he says.
"Okay I understand that but still don't do it please",I tell him.
"Okay I'm sorry",he says.
"Idiot there's nothing to say sorry about,just make sure you won't repeat again Okay?",I say and he nods.

"You had dinner?",I ask him and he shakes his head.
I knew it that's why I told my mom to pack me food so that I could give it to him,when I saw Quade I forgot that I brought it so I went to my car and brought food to him,he smiles and said,"you knew?",
"Of course I did",I say.
"Now have it,you should finish all of it,did you get that?",I tell him.
"Yes ma'am,thank you Nea for understanding",he says.
"Okay now eat,no more talking",I tell him and he chuckles.

We went to bed but my mind keeps on lingering around Quade,did he reach home?
did he eat?
Is he sleeping properly?
I can't think straight so I grab my coat and my car keys and I went downstairs only to see Warren sitting and staring at nothing.
I hate that I can't help him at all,but I can distract him, I know he said he doesn't like Quade but what can I do he does makes the best croissants in this town and Warren loves croissants and coffee just like me.
Are we soulmates? Maybe we are,our likes and dislikes are so similar.

"Hey come we have to go",I tell him and he jumps from the couch.
"Jesus Nea,you scared the shit out of me",he yells and I laugh.
"I'm so sorry",I tell still laughing at his expression and he smacks my head,a sharp pain arises in my head and I glare at him.
"So where are we going?",he asks.
"You will know when we reach",I tell him and he nods.
I know it's 10 at night but something tells me that his shop is still opened.

We reach in 10 minutes,he jumps with excitement and says,
"Are we having coffee and croissants?",he asks.
"Yes,come let's go inside"
My heart will explode any minute if it keeps on doing it,Okay relax Nea,I tell myself.
But before we could enter the shop,I see Quade outside the shop,his hands covered with dough,his hairs all messy and damped,the urge to entangle my fingers in his hairs is getting stronger.

"You brought me here,to his shop?",Warren whispers,pulling me away from my thoughts.
"Shhh....just come",I whisper him back and he makes his annoying face.

"Hi Nea",Quade says smiling brightly,now that's the real smile.
"Hi,I came here because he was craving coffee and croissants so I didn't knew any better place than this,do you still have remainings?",I tell Quade and Warren is gawking at me.
"I do,come inside,you too Warren",he says and we both nod and followed him inside to his shop.
"I wanted to have coffee and croissants?",he whispers,it almost felt like yelling than a whisper in my ear.
"Shut it",I tell him and he is even more annoyed now.
That annoyance will be long gone when he stuffs his mouth with food,he loves food.

HIS REGRET (1st BOOK) 18+Where stories live. Discover now