Chapter 13: Struggles

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“How far away are the far lands!?” Axel complained. “A while, it’s probably going to take 2 days on foot.” Magnus added, “2 days!?” Jesse answered, helping Lukas walk. “Not including the amount of time it’s going to take with sleeping and Lukas being behind a bit.” Magnus continued.

Jesse looked up at the sky. They walked for a complete day by now. “We should probably get some rest, though. It’s getting late.” Jesse answered. “Well, if we do that multiple times, it’s going to take 3 days then, at least.” Magnus shrugged.

Jesse looked at Lukas, who was clearly tired and who had fallen multiple times and bruised. “I-I’m fine, you don’t have to worry about me.” He said, brushing off the main issue. “Alright, if you insist.” Jesse smiled, following the group. He just hoped they got there earlier.

“You good, Jess? If this is really causing an issue, I can use my sword like a cane or something.” He volunteered. “It’s not so much you. Just knowing how much you're going to struggle.” Jesse sighed. “I’ll be fine.” Lukas chuckled, letting go of Jesse and leaning against a tree, grabbing his sword and continuing, using it as a cane to help out.

Jesse smiled. “Thanks, but you don’t have to do that.” “I don’t mind. I honestly would rather get there quickly, too. I hope he has something that can help.” Lukas added. “C’mon! We don’t wanna take longer!” Magnus yelled. Jesse and Lukas quickly followed.


When the sun started to rise, they could at least see it now. “There it is. The far lands.” Magnus answered. “Hm. Looks like we’re going to get there earlier than expected.” Axel answered. “Ha! Don’t jinx it. Trust me, ANYTHING can slow us down.” Magnus answered.

“So, how long is it going to be until we get there?” Jesse asks. “About 16 hours.” Magnus stated confidently. “At the most.” Magnus added. “Well, at least it isn’t too long.” Jesse reassured himself. “True.” Lukas replied.

Axel glared at Lukas, pure hatred burning through him. “You good, big guy?” Magnus asked. “Perfectly fine.” Axel muttered. “So that’s the Lukas guy you hate? Seems a bit of a wimp but has good spirits. Take that as you will with that coming from a rogue.” Magnus answered. Axel scoffed.

“Why do you hate him so much?” Magnus asked. “He’s friends with the rival group, Ocelots. Their notorious bitches.” Axel answered honestly. “Seems like your friend gets along with him fine.” Magnus answered. “Yeah. Well, he doesn’t hold grudges as much as I do.” Axel answered under his breath.

“Anger issues, eh?” Magnus asked. “Well, this IS the apocalypse. I suggest at least ignoring him if he’s being annoying. I shouldn’t really even be talking, heh.” Magnus chuckled. Axel chuckled, but Magnus had a point. It's not like there were many people left. He might as well at least tolerate him.

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