Chapter 59: The Return

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“I-I was so worried!! I t-thought you were dead!!” Lukas cried, hugging Jesse tightly. “H-how’d you survive though, I-I...” Jesse began before Lukas placed his hand on Jesse’s shoulder. “I... I have to tell you something.” Lukas admitted. Jesse looked at him, confused.

“Like what?” Jesse asked. Lukas looked down at the ground, biting his lip. “I’m immune. Like, I won’t turn into an infected, just getting weaker.” Lukas sighed.

“Wait, so why couldn’t we save Maya and Aiden?”

“I... I can still infect people, being near me or something will do that. B-but we figured out that once you're cured, y-you’ll be fine.”

Jesse stayed silent. “That explains why they were more infected. Wait... d-does that mean,-” Jesse began, before stopping.

“I-I... don’t know. I didn’t know at the time. Hell, even when we saw what happened with Maya, we still didn’t know. No one knew I had the ‘spot’. I-I don’t know how... I didn’t even know when I got it.-”

Jesse caressed his face, seeing that he was stressed. “Lukas, you're fine. I’m just glad that you're okay.” Jesse smiled. Lukas grinned, hugging him tightly. “But what are we going to do about this?” Jesse asked, suggesting the fact he still had tentacles. “I... don’t know.” Lukas admitted. The door opened wide, showing Ivy.

“I heard a question being asked?” Ivy added. “Y-yes, what are we going to do about my ‘condition’?” Jesse questioned. “Well, we have one place to help your arms, and we plan to bandage the spots so it doesn’t hurt.” Ivy answered. Ivy signaled for Jesse to follow her, Jesse following. Lukas looked at him worriedly, just wanting to make sure he’d be okay.


Jesse walked back into the room, Lukas pacing. Lukas immediately noticed him, seeing his tentacles being cut off, two of them having prosthetic arms attached to them, the rips where the holes were being covered, his eyes still remaining black. Lukas rushed over, hugging him tightly. “I was only gone for a second.” Jesse chuckled. “I know, but I just... I just worry about you.” Lukas added.

“I appreciate it, Lukas.” Jesse smiled, hugging him tightly. “Please, don’t ever do that again.” Lukas added. “I don’t plan to.” Jesse chuckled. Both of them stayed silent for a moment. It felt like a dream. It wasn’t real. “Well, we should probably head downstairs, huh?” Jesse replied, breaking the silence. “Yeah.” Lukas smiled, following Jesse downstairs.

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