La Isla De Las Muñecas

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Grandpa saw Ansel was sitting pensively with a blank sight. He just stared at the flower in front.

Then he approached Ansel. He patted his shoulder and made Ansel a little surprised.

Ansel said, “Grandpa, you have come home. Where did you go?”

But Grandpa didn’t answer at all, he actually reminded Ansel not to focus his mind on one point. “Don’t do that, don’t focus your mind on one point! I can’t do anything at all if you experience astral projection again.”

Sometimes, making the mind focused on one point, it could trigger astral projection. If it happened, no one could control it. There was not guarantee when the spirit came out of the body.

“Hmmm …” Ansel replied. “Grandpa, I saw something. What do you think if I tell him?”

“Telling for what is going to happen, it is a prohibition…”

Ansel interrupted Grandpa’s words, “I remember it. But it’s different. It may became a tragedy. It is about the worst moment that Heka will have. If I tell him, at least he is not too shaken.”

“Just follow your heart. But you have to bear all the consequences of it.”

 “Okay, I will handle it.”

“Have you had breakfast?” Grandpa asked.

 “Not yet, I am not hungry.” He knew for sure that what he needed was not food, but the vision became a reality as soon as possible. So he won’t have any headaches anymore.

Ansel complained to his Grandpa because he felt unable to endure the pain in his head. “Grandpa, I’m so tired. Is there any other way besides waiting?”

Grandpa held his hand. He felt Ansel’s hand become warm. It was exhausting for Ansel. That was why he had a fever.

“Although it hurts a lot, this is your fate. You have to accept it. But it is nothing. Because there are times when you will experience a greater pain than this and longer.”

Grandpa shared a piece of his past story to make him survive. Although he suffered a lot.

“Do you know? I have felt the pain. It was longer than you. It was about one year.”

Ansel was surprised, “Really, how can it be?”

Grandpa told his story, “At that time I felt that my head was in great pain. I didn’t have any vision. Because of that, I had to go to hospital and get treatment for a whole year. But the pain didn’t disappear at all. In the night, I went to the park alone. I was alone in silence and crying in pain. Then the beautiful young girl came and comforted me.”

“Who is that person?” Ansel cut in.

“I don’t know. I have never seen her before. She was just a stranger who was passing by. She gave me the doll and told me not to cry anymore. After that, I faced something very terrible. Every day I had to endure death. Then I found the answer to why I had a long-term headache. It was because there was a demon who came to me.”

Ansel guessed that the doll was the demon’s puppet and it was true. “I guessed it was a demon puppet.”

“Exactly, it is indeed a demon puppet. After I received the doll, my headache was completely gone. But the doll tried to harm me. Then I immediately sealed it before it absorbed my own soul. It would be the last chance in a short time. After that, I spent time in the library for a whole day. I had to find out how to get rid of the doll. There is a place called La Isla de Las Muñecas. It is a nest of the demon puppets.”

 “Where is it? I want to go there.” Grandpa hit Ansel hard.

“Ouugghh …” Ansel exclaimed.

 “It’s the Demon Kingdom, you can’t go there. It is so dangerous.” Grandpa continued his story. “Then I invited my friend to accompany me. We went to La Isla de Las Muñecas. I threw away the demon doll there. But at the same moment, it was the greatest regret that I ever had in his life. I couldn’t save him. The doll that I brought has absorbed his soul.”

Then Ansel pondered and remembered Heka. If Heka finally got soul delivery, there was probably a big regret. Even though he knew that it wasn’t him who would die. But it was someone else.

It was because Heka had decided to accept Soul Delivery. Ansel had absolutely no right to force Heka to change his decision.

He remembered Heka should have visited him. Unfortunately, there was no sign at all of Heka. Afterward, he was sure that Heka was fine.

If anything happened to Heka, the headache would have gone away.

Grandpa diverted the conversation, “What about your friend?”

“I don’t know. Yesterday he called me. He said he was coming here. But right now he hasn’t come yet.”

Ansel sighed and continued his sentence, “I have no right to force him to change his mind. After all, I know that he will never dodge it. Even if he doesn’t come today, maybe tomorrow or the next day. I’m sure he will definitely come by himself.”

 “Then, we’ll just have to wait for him. At that time we must welcome him. It is the thing that we can do for him.”

Ansel smiled broadly as if he wanted to let go of the burden that was still bothering him. He hoped there was a day for him to let go of all the things that bothered him. “Grandpa, I was hungry.”

“Okay, I will make food for you. You have to help.”

 “Okay.” Ansel said curtly.

But his Grandpa grumbled, “You have to pay close attention and learn to cook for yourself.”

“I’ve tried to cook, but my dishes are terrible. If you cook it is so delicious,” Ansel complained.

Grandpa hit his head because he refused to cook.

“Ouch…. Grandpa, sick…” Even though Grandpa’s punch hurt, Ansel laughed. He felt happy because he had a Grandpa who loved him very much.

Grandpa gave the knife to Ansel. “Now try to cook something by yourself. Grandpa will help you.”

 “Okay then Ansel wants to cook coco toast.” For Ansel, toast was quite easy. Because it only required dry bread and chocolate.

Grandpa chuckled at hearing what Ansel wanted to cook. “Okay, it’s up to you.” He just sat while waiting for the toast that Ansel cooked.

Ansel took 4 slices of white bread, strawberry, banana, chocolate jam, butter, and whipped cream. He put whipped cream in a bowl and chocolate paste. Then, he mixed the ingredients with a mixer.

He smeared all the white bread with butter. Then smeared 2 white breads with whipped cream that has been mixed with chocolate.

Ansel cut strawberries and bananas. The pieces of fruit were placed on white bread. He covered with other white bread.

He heated the tteflon and smeared it with butter. After the teflon was getting hot, he baked the two white breads. One minute later, he turned the white bread. After all the parts of the white bread turned brown, he put it on a plate.

He gave one of the toasts to Grandpa. The other one was for himself. “Grandpa, it’s your toast.”

Even though Ansel was quite bad at cooking, at least he could cook Coco Toast.

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