Soul Delivery Part 2

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Heka had made a big decision about his life. He hoped it would bring about a change in his life. He was very sure of that.

Whether it was a good thing or a bad thing. He had to accept it. So he has to accept every consequence. He had to bear it.

He just needed to live it. Maybe after that he would feel very awkward, because his habits would change anyway. At least he would no longer be tired from not being able to sleep at all. It was good for his health.

When he set foot into Ansel's house, passing through the door, his footsteps were very heavy. He felt a burden he had to carry at all times. His ankles felt like they were tied to a very strong leg.

There was nothing that crossed his mind about what tied his feet. He only felt his footsteps feel heavy, because he was nervous. For him, it was natural. Because he would do soul delivery.

Even though what happened made his legs hurt, he was silent. He didn't tell Grandpa at all. He just didn't want to add to the burden. Moreover, Ansel’s Grandpa treated him very well.

“Mr. McVeigh, thank you very much for the help. Sorry if I bother you. ” Heka said when Grandpa made him a cup of hot chocolate.

“You don’t need to thank you. Ansel is going to somewhere. He will be back soon.”

Heka felt that his appearance made Ansel uncomfortable. Lately, Ansel’s figure has changed. It happened since Ansel warned him not to do soul delivery and Bloody Marriage.

But all Heka needed was Soul Delivery. He didn’t care if he died after that. He was not afraid that death would come to him. At least before he died, his body did not feel tired, and he could feel how to wake up after fast sleep.

“It’s better to tell you about Soul Delivery first. There is one thing you have to do first. It makes your body feel weak. Your blood must be removed first. After that, you just have to wait for Lexus to arrive. He will give you a human soul that has died. You will absorb it. It looks like it looks scary to you…”

Grandpa explained about Soul Delivery in detail. It did look very terrible and made Heka unable to say anything. “Hmmm…”

“Don’t worry. Soul delivery is a secret-hidden treatment. Not everyone can do it, only a few people," Grandpa said.

Heka took out an envelope containing some money and handed it over to Grandpa. He didn’t know if it was enough or not. “Mr. McVeigh, please accept it. Thank you very much for helping me.”

Grandpa took the money and opened it. It made Heka restless. He only guessed the money he gave was less. “Mr was McVeigh, is that lacking? I’m sorry, I’ll add it later.”

“No, this is more than enough.” The phone rang, “I’m sorry I have to hang up the phone first.”

“It’s okay.”

Grandpa left Heka alone. Meanwhile, he took the tablet out of his bag. He was looking for something about Soul Delivery. There was one thing that he made sure of.

Previously, he had tried to find out about Soul Delivery, but he couldn’t find anything about it at all. He visited dozens of bookstores and libraries. There was absolutely no information about what Soul Delivery was.

He had thought it was black magic before. But until now, there was no information about Soul Delivery. Even in the source of black magic. He couldn’t find Soul Delivery.

Heka sighed. He had given up on digging up information about Soul Delivery. “That means what Grandpa just said right. Soul Delivery is secret treatment.”

Heka felt something strange happen to his leg. It seemed like there was a rope that tightly tied his legs. It became numb. He looked down, but found nothing. There was something  that made his legs immobile.

He felt Grandpa left him too long, it had been almost half an hour. He didn’t know who was called Grandpa. Further, it had absolutely nothing to do with him. He had absolutely no right to involve himself or just ask.

He didn’t like to interfere in other people’s business. But he just wanted Grandpa to help him. So, his legs could be moved again.

Then, he heard Ansel’s voice, “Grandpa, I’m home.”

Heka felt relieved and calm because Ansel came. Ansel smiled broadly at him and said “Heka, you’ve come!!!”

At that moment, his leg didn’t hurt anymore. Something that tied his leg was gone. But his body suddenly shivered. He felt very cold, as winter came with temperatures that were below zero degrees. But, that month was autumn.

He held the cup that was still warm. But it didn’t effect and couldn’t warm up his frozen body. Instead, he felt his hands could transmit the cold.

Then, Ansel took his hand and held it tightly. He was sure Ansel also felt his almost frozen hand.

After Ansel released his grip, the coldness disappeared. He was sure Ansel must have done something to eliminate it.

But Ansel was deliberately silent. As nothing had happened. As his body was not frozen. Likewise Ansel. He also did not think about his frozen hand.

 “Heka, don’t worry. Everything will definitely go well. Don’t be afraid and worried, leave everything to Grandpa. After that, you will definitely return to normal.”

Even so, it was not able to make Heka’s heart completely calm. He felt so nervous. But he didn’t want the nervousness to be clear. “I know and I believe that. That’s why I came.”

Heka didn’t think about what would happen later. There was one thing he knew. At least he had tried a treatment to get rid of his insomnia.

He didn’t even care if Soul Delivery failed and had to take his life. It was just a consequence that he had to bear.

Ansel smiled, “Did Grandpa told you what will happen and what you have to do to receive Soul Delivery?”

Heka nodded.

Grandpa had already explained all about Soul Delivery and what would happen to him.

But for Heka it was not important. Because he was fed up with it all. He has done many kinds of treatment. All the therapists said a nonsense that seemed convincing. In fact, it was all just a boast.

For him, the most important thing was proof. Not empty words that seemed to be made into reality.

That time, Heka just did it. Then, he just had to see the results. It was what he did while he was trying various treatments. Including Soul Delivery.

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