The Gate

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Before Ansel allowed Heka to enter his house, he knew that it meant that he was going to open a new gate.

This was the first time for Heka to meet Grandpa. Heka's presence was quite special. That was why they welcomed him in a special way. However, it was difficult for Ansel to face Heka. He couldn’t control his thoughts.

That was the reason why he blew a little of his blood. It could be his mind was not too focused. The vision of Marriage Blood could not appear for a while.

He arrived home. He saw Grandpa and Heka. They were relaxing on the back porch of the house. There was a small fishing pond. It could make the air keep mild.

Although Ansel had to face Heka. He felt goosebumps about Heka’s aura. He still tried to pretend to be fine. As everything was going the way he wanted.

He just didn’t want to disappoint Heka, nothing more.

Grandpa held Heka’s hand. He closed his eyes to feel Heka’s aura deeper.

Because of what Grandpa was doing, Ansel was very worried. He had touched Grandpa’s shoulder. His body felt cold.

Heka’s aura seemed to have changed drastically. It became more different than when they first met.

 “My son, you are so lucky. You are not Shenmorta, but you can accept Soul Delivery. After all, your bedtime will return to normal,” Grandpa said.

It made Ansel happy. He also saw Heka smiling broadly, “Really, thanks for the help.”

Grandpa gripped Heka’s hand more tightly. It could make Heka’s heart feel calm. “But, the price you have to pay is very expensive. Whatever happens to you later, you have to be strong. Remember that.”

 “Okay I see.” Heka said curtly. He didn’t forget to ask why he couldn’t sleep at all. “Grandpa, there’s one thing I want to ask…”

Before Heka finished her words, Grandpa immediately cut him off. Because he knew what Heka wanted to ask. “It’s fair enough and often happens. You’re not the only person who has experienced it. It’s just that, because you’re an ordinary human. You will never be able to find the answer. Because it makes your mind feel restless about what makes you become worried and frighten.”

“What is that? Do you know?” Heka asked.

“You don’t have to think about it. Because you will know the answer soon.”

Then Grandpa diverted the conversation to Soul Delivery. “Before that, you have to accept Soul Delivery first.”

“Hmmm…I already said it.”

Grandpa also explained the details about Soul Delivery. “There’s a requirement to receive Soul Delivery. You have to half die first. Unfortunately, it’s quite difficult because your body looks very healthy.”

Heka turned worried, “Does it mean I can’t accept Soul Delivery?”

“You don’t need to worry about that. Just leave it to me." Ansel said. He laughed to make the calm atmosphere more relaxed.

“Ansel, Grandpa thank you very much.” Heka said while bowing.

Ansel remembered something, “But you seem to have to sleep over here for a few days.”

It was difficult to make other people accept soul delivery if that person was far away. So it was better if Heka stayed at his house. If something happened to Heka, it would be easier to handle.

Grandpa also confirmed Ansel’s words, “Ansel is right, it will be better if you were here for a while. After you receive Soul Delivery, you can return to your own house.”

 “How many days? And how much I have to pay?” asked Heka.

 “Maybe for 4 days. Don’t worry about your parents. I will tell them. Then, for the price, you seem to have to pay more for it. You will lose something in your life.”


When Ansel escorted Heka out of his house, Ansel saw him contemplating. In the deepest of his heart, he felt very sorry for Heka.

Someone who does not have a rotten heart must accept a very bad destiny. The fact was so vulnerable.

“Heka, are you okay?” Ansel asked.

“Yeah, I’m fine. By the way, how much should I pay your Grandpa?”

“Because of that, hmmm… I don’t know. Grandpa never mentioned when it comes to this. You don’t have to think about that.” He hoped about what he just said could make Heka settle down. Heka seemed to smile, even if only briefly.


 “You just calm down. Grandpa will handle everything. You just need to follow the directions. Everything will be fine. But the last time Grandpa said, I’m sure you can definitely get through it. If you need help, I’m ready to help you.”

 Ansel saw someone walking towards his house. She was carrying a cardboard, “Ren!!!”

The person waved his hand and headed towards him, “Hi Ansel!!!”

“Then, I will go first,” Heka said.

“Take care of yourself.” Ansel hugged Heka for a while before letting him get into the car and leave. His gaze was fixed on the speed of the car until it disappeared from his eyes.

“Ansel!!!... Ansel!!!... Ansel!!!...” Lorena exclaimed in a loud voice until Ansel woke up from her daydream.

“Yeah, what’s wrong?” He focused on fixing the speed of the car. Ansel barely realized that he had ignored Lorena. “

“Is Grandpa inside? I bring the plant that he ordered.”

Out of curiosity, Ansel immediately opened the cardboard that was still in Lorena’s hands, “Ren, what is this?”

“Passiflora” Lorena replied.


Lorena was one of the students of Grandpa, who was also a Shenmorta. She liked flowers so much. So she opened a flower shop. Lorena also considered Ansel like her own brother.

She was 35 years old. She didn’t just sell various kinds of flowers, also learned the meaning of each type of flower. She also often hunts rare types of flowers.

She lived alone for ten years. All his family died tragically overnight. She was the only one who survived.

The murderer was an unknown man. He was possessed by an evil spirit and became a feyfiend. The identify of that man was one of the members of the Forbidden Sect who had a special task to hunt Shenmorta. They dedicated it to the Devil.

One night, Feyfiend had killed all his family. He also wanted to kill Lorena. But at the same moment, Hansel came and killed the Feyfiend. He saved Lorena.

There was no way to separate the Feyfiend from evil spirits. Because when evil spirits entered the human body. It meant one thing. The evil spirit felt hungry and thirsty for the human soul.

When it possessed the human body, evil spirits easily absorbed the human soul. Afterward, it would take over the human body and turned into a feyfiend.

So humans could never be saved. But humans who had became feyfiends must be killed. Then, he would turn to ashes.

After that, Lorena learned spiritual power. Grandpa was her mentor. So she can protect herself and others. And the tragic moment did not occur anymore.

Shenmorta did not have a different physical from ordinary humans. But it made Shenmorta often surrounded by spirits, ghosts and demons.

Some of them were just passing by. Some of them were also aiming after the soul of Shenmorta. The others were also becoming Guardians.

The soul of Shenmorta was completely different from ordinary humans. Moreover, it had several advantages and had a high level of sensitivity. It could increase the power of immortals. They absorbed the soul of Shenmorta. Most of them were fayfiend.

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