Old Place

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Lorena came to her old house. It located in Springfield. Nowadays, she stayed in Monroe. She forced to sell it because of a terrible incident.

When she saw the house for the first time after long time ago, there was nothing difference as before. “It turns out that the new owner don’t renovate it.”

She got out of the car and headed towards the door. She pressed the bell button. But, there was no response. So, she pressed again twice at once. Five minutes later she repeated it.

“Seem like, there is no one home.”

She was waiting, although there was not answer. She had to do it to take back the Crystal that was left behind.

Lorena sat on the steps in front of the door. She leaned on the pole. She looked at her watch and counted how long she waited. “It’s still 12 p.m.”

She began to think if she should wait for the home-owner or went back to another day. Probably, she could visit another place. Unfortunately, waiting made her sleepy. She felt asleep.

Then, she felt someone tapping her shoulder. “Excuses me Miss, wake up!!, heyy!!” She heard someone calling. But she didn’t see anyone.

Lorena realized her eyes were closed. She woke up and opened her eyes. She saw an old woman standing right in front of her.

She was completely unaware that she had fallen asleep. She looked at the clock. It has shown 3 o’clock in the afternoon. She immediately stood up and said, “Thank you for waking me up. Sorry, I accidentally fell asleep here.”

That old woman was strange for her. It made her mind full of questions. “Does she live here? Hasn’t this house been bought by the Treva Ritshel? Have they sold it?

 The woman asked Lorena, “Can I help you?”

“Do you live here?” Lorena asked to explain who now owns her house.

“Yeah… What does matter make you need to come here?” She asked the same thing a second time, but in a different word. It made Lorena think that the woman didn’t like small talk.

“I am Lorena the owner of this house before. So, you live here right now. Can you tell me about Treva Ritshel? Where does he live?” Lorena felt that it was disrespectful if she was immediately clear about her arrival. So it was better to introduce yourself first.

 “It’s long story. Come in first.” The woman invited Lorena inside. It made Lorena curious what exactly happened.

Her priority was thinking about a way to take the crystal. How to explain it to the woman. So she allowed her to enter the basement.

“Looks like this is going to be difficult.” She muttered while leaning on the sofa.

Treva Ritshel who bought his house was his father’s friend. They knew him well.

She thought if Treva Ritshel still lived here, she would definitely not hesitate to take Crystal back. Moreover, Treva Ritshel knew for sure her condition and the tragic massacre.

This was really beyond what she expected. If Treva Ritshel occupied his house, she would surely easily pick up the crystal that was hidden inside her old house.

Not long after, the new owner of the house came with a cup of coffee and gave it to Lorena.

 “Thank you.” Lorena said.

“I’m Mariana Austin.” The woman introduced herself.

Lorena also replied. “I’m Lorena Christowski.”

Mariana sat opposite Lorena and said, “So you were the original owner of this house before the Treva Ritshel stayed here.”

 "Yes, right. But do you know what made Mr. Ritshel moved and sold this house?” She thought that there was no way she immediately told the purpose of her arrival. Hence, it was better to start with a small talking.

“Before Mr. Ritshel sold this house, they experienced prolonged terror. I don’t understand the terror that happened to them at all. Every day they saw someone from outside the window. The person was carrying a sword. It scared their child, even though he did nothing at all. Every day, they came to that person. The police also couldn’t track down that person at all. Therefore, they sell this house, at a very cheap price. There were many people who wanted to buy this house, but in the end they handed me this house to me.”

Lorena did not expect the tragic things she had experienced turned out to be a curse for this house. “Then, did you experience the same thing?”

“Before they handed over this house, they had told all the previous events that had happened. It is about a massacre and the terror they experienced. At first a similar terror happened to me, but an unknown woman came. I don’t know what she did and made that person didn’t appear again.” Mariana explained in detail.

What happened to Mariana made her regret, “Honestly, this house has really been cursed. Then, do you know woman who has helped you?”

From all of Mariana's explanations, there was one point that interesting for Lorena. Especially, the woman who helped Mariana. She really wanted to know who the woman was. Unfortunately her identity was very mysterious. Even though, Mariana did not know her name at all.

“I don’t know who she is. She just came twice. She just disappeared along with the terror in this house. I once asked his name, but she just kept quiet. That’s why I never brought it up.”

Lorena was really curious about the woman. Although, the woman disappeared, she hoped that one day she would meet her in person. When that moment came, she would be very grateful for removing the curse of his house.

“Now this house is safe. Are you going to take this house back?” Mariana thought that Lorena had come to buy her house back.

Lorena also explained the purpose of her arrival, but she didn’t say anything about Crystal. “No, I just want to visit Mr. Ritshel. He’s my father’s friend. Our family also knows each other well.”

Mariana chuckled, she seemed relieved that Lorena wouldn’t throw her out. “I think you will throw me out.”

“Don’t worry, I’m not going to take this house back. After all, I have a new place to live.”

 “Where do you live?”


“Monroe!!! It will be night soon, how about you spend the night here?”

Lorena did not expect that Mariana offered her to spend the night. It was a good opportunity. “Thank you.”

“I’ll prepare the room for you and dinner.” Mariana said. She stood up from his seat, then left Lorena.

 All Lorena had to do now was just relax. Then she had to find an opportunity to enter the basement.

This was no longer her house. It was not polite to go straight to the basement just like that. Even though she once lived.

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