Ch. 2

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"We watched the Human Centipede last night." Michael said into the camera.

"How awful was it?" I asked him, not yet sitting in front of the camera.

"It was pretty terrible." Calum said.

"If you've ever not seen it, don't see it." Michael said.

"The second one is like, so much worse." I said, sitting down on the other side of Calum.

"What's up guys, we're Emblem3." Calum said. Michael laughed and I smiled a little.

"Where's Ashton?" Michael asked as he turned to look at Ashton.

"Make yo damn coffee and get over here." Calum said and looked at him as well. I chuckled as I sat forward, getting up to fix the blinds. I didn't listen to what they were saying as I tried to close the blinds, getting angry that they weren't working with me.

"Ya cheeky blinds. Y cheeky blind." I said in a weird accent.

"It- it for some reason hasn't done anything." Michael said. "It's fine. It's fine- it's fine babe." I hope no one caught that, that could end up being bad. I walked around the couch as they were whispering to each other and Calum looked up at me.

"Do you sing or play guitar?" He asked me.

"No-" Michael started but I cut him off.

"Actually I do both." I said. "I actually play drums." They both started to hit me with pillows. "Why is this happening? This is not hurting me at all." I laughed. Something went wrong and we went off line because it had apparently been black the whole time.

"I feel like we're not saying much right now." I said as I looked at Michael. He was leaned back and playing on his phone.

"It's cause you're here, we can't talk with you." He said, not looking up at me. He only moved his eyes toward me, smiled, and looked back down at his phone.

"Oh ya?" I asked with a small smile, not trying to sound seductive, but I think that's how it came out. Calum looked up at me really fast, raised his eyebrows and looked back down at his phone. I moved and got right in Michael's face, he didn't do anything in the beginning but then turned to kiss me and I pulled back, hiding behind Calum. He moved closer to me and placed his lips on mine. I smiled and pulled away as I heard Ashton talking. He smiled as well and looked back down at his phone.

I was slouched back on the couch, playing on my phone when Michael came and sat on top of me. He moved to straddle me and I still didn't bother to look up at him. He dropped his head into my neck and I continued to scroll through twitter. Smiling as I felt him press a kiss where my shoulder meets my neck. "Luke pay attention to the poor boy." Ashton said with a laugh. I smiled up at him and Mikey turned so he could see Ashton as well before wrapping his arms around my neck and pulling me over so I landed on top of him.

"Michael." I giggled as we resituated. He was on his back and I had my head on his chest, my arms wrapped around him. Ashton sat on the chair next to the couch and turned the TV on.

"Calum!" He called, me and Mikey both looked at him. "Calum!"

"What?!" Calum yelled back.

"Will you bring me a poptart?!" Ashton asked. Next thing you know, there is a flying poptart package hitting Ashton in the side of the face, making me and Mikey cackle. Calum walked in and sat on the other chair, smiling innocently at Ashton.

"When did you guys know you liked each other more than friends?" He asked. I looked at him and shrugged.

"I don't really remember, it just sort of happened." I said. I looked up at Mike and he shrugged and nodded his head.

"I like how you didn't make a big deal out of it, you just kissed in front of us like it was normal." Ashton said as he took a bit of his poptart.

"You didn't even react." Michael said with a laugh. "You both totally saw it coming and don't even lie about it." The boys both laughed and I smiled at him as I layed my head back down on his chest, closing my eyes.

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