Ch. 15

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"How are you guys?" Calum asked into the microphone, everyone screaming back at him. "You guys are absolutely amazing." They screamed again and I smiled out at them. We started Beside You and no one made any noise. Me, Calum, and Mike all looked at each other weird and then back out at the crowd. They all started to put hearts up with their hands, come of them putting up signs. I felt my eyes tear up as I read what they all said on them. I looked over at Michael and he smiled back at me. They said 'happy one year Muke' and 'to more amazing years together' and more things like that.

"You guys- I-" Michael cut himself off with a laugh. No one had sung a lyric yet and it was silent other than Ashton beating his drums. I looked back at him and he smiled at me. I smiled and bit my lip before playing again. We played the whole song without singing a verse. Next thing I know, I'm being tackled and look around at the boys from 1D. I laughed as I heard the crowd scream. Liam grabbed Michael and pulled him towards us. Ashton jumped up from his drums and came over to us, Calum following. We all pulled away and looked out at the crowd. Michael then went off the set list and started English Love Affair.

"It started in a weekend in May. I was looking for attention, needed intervention. Felt somebody looking at me. With a powder white complexion, feeling the connection." He sang as the bays ran back off stage.

"The way he looked was so ridiculous. Every single step had me waiting for the next. Before I knew it, it was serious. Dragged me out the bar to the backseat of a car." Michael sang it with Calum but you could hear Michael more and when he said 'he' I turned to look at him with a smile on my face. He winked back at me and I rolled my eyes. Then no one was singing anything and I looked at Calum weird.

"I already sung my part mate. It's your turn." He said with a laugh. It was probably obvious that I was confused because the crowd laughed.

"Next thing we were back at his place. A hideaway in Mayfair. All the great and good there. Drinking all the way to third base. Princes getting naked. Falling on their faces." I sang, looking over at Mikey as I did the lyric change. They noticed this time and freaked out, making all of us laugh.

"The storyline was so ridiculous. Every single step had me begging for the next. Before I knew it, it was serious. Dragged me up the stairs and it wasn't ending there."

"When the lights go out. She's all I ever think about. The picture burning in my brain. Kissing in the rain. I can't forget my English love affair. Today, I'm seven thousand miles away. The movie playing in my head. Of her king size bed. Means I can't forget my English love affair." Me and Calum looked back at Ashton as Michael continued to play.

"When I got out I knew. That nobody I knew would be believing me. I look back now and know. That nobody could ever take the memory." I bowed to him and he flipped me off, making me laugh. He started beating at his drums again with a smile on his face.

"Last night was great." Calum said as we walked along the strip in Kansas City.

"It was amazing." Michael said. I reached up and pushed a piece of his hair down, running my hand down his arm and grabbing his hand.

"I saw you tear up Luke." Calum said with a chuckle.

"That was the most amazing thing that has ever happened at one of our shows." I said with a smile on my face. "I saw the signs and my eyes just teared up. I couldn't help it. Knowing that they support us makes me so incredibly happy." Michael smiled over at me and then down at his feet.

"Ya, I looked back at Ashton and his eyes were just so wide and his jaw dropped and then he smiled so big." Calum said. I smiled and looked to the left to see a group of girls had formed across the street. I smiled and waved at them, seeing them jump around.

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