Ch. 5

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Today Ashton is 21 and I don't know how I feel about that. I don't want my little baby to grow up :'(

I woke up, Luke not next to me and groaned. I sighed before getting up and putting on some sweats and a cut off. I walked out into the kitchen and saw him sitting at the bar with a cup of coffee in front of him. He looked at me and then back down at his phone. I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around his neck and hanging over him so I didn't choke him. He kissed my arm and I watched as he read through different tweets. Calum walked out and nodded at us before getting into the fridge.

"Why isn't Ash up yet?" He asked. I looked around and shrugged.

"I don't know." Luke said, he still had that amazing, deep morning voice and it was really fucking hot, and kind of turning me on. I kissed behind his ear and he turned his head a little bit to look at me. I let go and sat next to him, putting my feet on his lap. He leaned back in his chair and locked his phone, resting his hands on my legs. I watched as he moved his thumb back and forth over my leg, smiling at him. Calum walked out of the kitchen after finishing a glass of orange juice and walked over and opened Ashton's door, popping his head in. I looked back at Luke and smiled again. "Why do you keep looking at me like that?"

"Because I'm in love with you." I said casually. "You tend to stare at the people you're in love with." He smiled at me and grabbed my hand, lacing our fingers together.

"And I'm in love with you Michael." He whispered, making me smile even more. "But at least I'm discrete when I stare at you. I catch you all the time." I chuckled at him.

"That's because I want you to catch me and say something." I said and got up. He watched me as I walked over and got the bread down, getting out four slices, two for me and two for him. I popped them in and leaned against the counter. Calum walked back in the kitchen and sat on the counter opposite of me.

"He's oddly still a sleep." He said.

"That's weird." Luke said. The toast popped out so I got a plate down and put two on it for Luke. Getting out the Vegemite and throwing it to him. I walked back over and sat next to him and waited for him to be done so I could use it. Ashton walked out and layed on the couch. "Jesus mate, it's like, 10:00. Why are you up so late?"

"I couldn't sleep last night with you two making noise." Me and Luke both snorted loudly and Calum smiled while rolling his eyes. "And the fact that when I did get to sleep, I had a weird dream and couldn't sleep after I woke up for some reason. It wasn't a bad dream, just weird. I dreamt that I was a banana and Luke fucking ate me. It was weird as hell." Luke started cackling and me and Calum eventually joined him. After we calmed down, I leaned over and set my head on Luke's shoulder.

"Can we just cuddle all day?" I asked Luke quietly. He smiled and turned his head to kiss my cheek.

"Sounds lovely." He said and got up, taking mine and his plate and putting them in the sink. I walked into the bathroom and grabbed my toothbrush. Luke came in and did the same. After that was done, I walked into our bedroom and got back under the covers. Luke came in like five minutes later and joined me, laying his head on my chest and closing his eyes. "When did you know you liked me as more than a friend?"

"Remember that day we left for our first tour and I wouldn't wake up so you came in my room and layed on top of me?" I asked. He smiled and opened his eyes. "I realized then."

"Baby that was like, almost three years ago." He said as his smile slowly grew.

"And we've been dating for almost one." I said, He layed his head in the crook of my neck and wrapped one arm over me. "When did you realize?" I closed my eyes and started to run my hand up and down his back.

"Honestly?" I nodded, knowing he would be able to feel it. "It was the same exact thing."

"Why did you tell the boys that you didn't know?" I asked him with a laugh.

"Because I want to keep that between us." He said. I could feel him smiling and I smiled as well.

"Me too babe." I said and kissed his forehead.

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