Ch. 27

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"She's hot." Calum said, eyes wide as I showed him the picture of her I received. Ashton looked over his shoulder and he nodded his head.

"Yes. She is. Good one mate." He said and patted Calum's shoulder. "Get her phone number from Mikey."

"Tell her I have her phone number." Calum said. Me and Luke laughed at him.

"He put your number in his phone." Luke said.

"Text me." She said loudly.

"I heard her and I plan on it." Calum said as he tapped the screen multiple times. I snorted and shook my head.

"Babe. Stop." Luke said as he moved his head back.

"Sorry." I said.

"Aww! Babe! That's so cute." She said. "Can you just make it to where Calum and Ashton can hear me too? I'm tired of using you to communicate." I sighed and messed with the volume. "Oh fuck you Wesley! Go dig a fucking hole and die in it!"

"She's American?" Calum asked. Me and Luke nodded our heads.

"Take me off mute bitch!" He yelled, her still not hearing him. Ashton chuckled and shook his head.

"Funny story... I never actually muted you I just felt like letting you suffer." She said. Calum and Ashton both let out laughs. "Oh my god! Wesley quit asking me to send you nudes! I'm going to fucking block your phone number! I wonder how your fans would feel if they knew what a perverted asshole you are."

"Do your friends know how perverted you are?" He asked her.

"Yes." She said. "Which message are you referring to?"

"The one about the girl at the mall." He said. She started cackling really hard and Luke laughed at her.

"I've never heard her laugh like that before." He said with a smile.

"I think it's adorable." Calum said with a shrug. Ashton turned to him a smirked. "Don't even say anything."

"I wasn't going to. I was just going to stare at you." He said with a laugh. Calum rolled his eyes and started typing on his phone again. "Why aren't you playing Mikey?"

"You get killed once and you're done for the whole match." I said and shrugged. I leaned my head back on Luke and looked up at him. He glanced down at me and then back at the screen.

"What?" He asked as he glanced at me again. I shrugged my shoulders and pulled my head off of him. "Well quit staring at me." He kissed the back of my neck and I smiled before turning around and straddling his thighs. "What are you doing?"

"Nothing." I said as I nestled my head into his neck.

"Michael quit." He said as I started laying kisses up and down his jaw.

"Michael he can't concentrate with you doing that." Ashton said while giggling.

"I don't care." I mumbled. Luke swallowed hard and I let out a quit laugh.

"Mic-" He cut himself off, his breathe getting caught in his throat. Calum and Ashton started laughing.

"Michael leave the poor boy alone." Wesley said. "Quit assaulting him and let him play. You guys can fuck later." Calum put on mine that I sat on the couch.

"Oh they will. Trust me." Calum said. Ashton giggled again and started messing with his phone. I continued to assault Luke's neck with kisses. He let out a moan and the boys and Megan and Wesley started laughing.

"Michael- Mike- Quit it." Luke mumbled. Ashton continued to giggle as he pulled Luke's headset off of him and put it on his own head. I felt little Luke poking at me and I laughed. Luke threw his controller on the couch and stood up with me still wrapped around him, carrying me out of the room and into the bathroom as the boys laughed behind us.

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