Ch. 12

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"What did he say?" Michael asked.

"He said 'are you serious?'." Michael laughed. My phone rang and I pulled it out to answer it. "Yes?"

"What floor are you guys on?" Calum asked. I looked up.

"Uh, 5." I said. He hung up again. "I'm getting really tired of him not saying bye to anyone before he hangs up the phone. It's always made me mad."

"He's done it since like, year 10, and you're just now saying something about it?" Mike asked. I laughed and nodded, looking over at the other guy who was sitting down and watching us. I slid down the wall and Michael did the same, sitting next to me. I leaned my head back against it and closed my eyes.

"They got the boys." Michael said. I looked down at his phone and smiled.

"Did they wake them up?" I asked. He looked at me and tried not to smile.

"Not Harry and Louis." He whispered, making me laugh really hard. He laughed as well. "Said that Ashton interrupted them in the middle."

"Ashton seems to have bad luck with things like that." I mumbled. "Always walking in at the wrong time." Michael nodded and then looked at me with wide eyes. "What?"

"It's November 3rd." He said. I looked down at my phone and smiled.

"How could we both forget?" I asked with a laugh. "We need a break, we're too busy."

"Not meaning to interrupt or anything, but you guys look really familiar." The guy said, making us look over at him. "I'm Evan by the way."

"I'm Luke. This is Michael." I said.

"Are you guys like, in a band?" He asked. We both nodded. "And you're dating or..." We both laughed and nodded.

"We came out... Was it three weeks ago?" Michael asked, looking at me. I shrugged and nodded.

"Cool." He said and nodded his head. "My brother is gay, came out to our family 5 days ago."

"How did they take it?" Michael asked.

"Pretty good. I mean, I didn't have a problem with it, I pretty much knew already." He said. I nodded my head.

"My mom knew before I did." I said with a laugh. Michael smiled at me.

"I think mine did too." He chuckled. The elevator doors opened and I saw the 1D boys and Ashton and Calum standing there. "Friends!"

"You guys are idiots." Louis said and rolled his eyes as he walked away. I laughed and stood up, pulling Michael with me. Harry smiled and followed behind him, waving as he did so. We walked out and looked at everyone. Evan walked out behind us and looked at Liam and Niall.

"Ok, I know who you guys are." He said. They smiled at him.

"Do you guys know what day it is?" Ashton asked. Calum smiled at us. Liam and Niall looked confused.

"Happy anniversary guys." Calum said and patted our backs.

"What a sucky anniversary present." Niall said with a snort.

"Wasn't too bad." I said.

"You threatened me." Michael said. I reached out and pushed him down the hallway, walking after him.

"It was nice meeting you Evan. Goodnight boys." I called behind me. Michael looked at me and smiled. I elbowed him before grabbing his hand and lacing our fingers together. "Happy anniversary baby."

"Happy anniversary babe." He said as we walked into our room. I closed the door behind me and started to strip my clothes off so I could get in bed. I tore back the covers and got in, covering myself up. Michael did the same and huddled closer to me.

My Baby | Muke Clemmings |Where stories live. Discover now