Ch. 24

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"Calum can we get coffee now?" I whined. He looked at me with an eyebrow raised and then rolled his eyes. "Please, I'm tired."

"Maybe if you and Michael weren't so fucking horny all the damn time you wouldn't be so tired." He said quietly, and with quite a bit of sass I might add. I wiggled my eyebrows at him and he laughed at me. "You wiggle your eyebrows too fast, stop it, it's weird." I laughed and opened the door to Starbucks. We got in the back of the abnormally long line and I sighed. "Group of girls, two o'clock. Staring and whispering. Code red! Code red!"

"You're an ass." I said with a laugh. He smiled and shrugged his shoulders. "Here they come."

"Hi. We were wondering if we could get a picture with you guys." One said calmly. We both smiled at them.

"Sure." Calum said with a nod. They got someone to take the picture and then started talking to us.

"What's it like living with Michael and Luke?" Another asked. Calum snorted and I gave him a warning look.

"Well they're always h-" I pinched his shoulder really tight and he tried to get away. "Ow. Ow. Ow." He said while laughing. The girls all giggled at us and I mentally rolled my eyes at Calum. I let go and he rolled his eyes at me. "It's the same as before they started dating. Just, a lot more cuddling between them and a lot of kissing."

"Aww!" One gushed. My phone vibrated so I pulled it out and smiled at Michael's name.

Mikey: Hey, so what time are you guys going to be back? I need you to come cuddle with me and other things...

Me: Idk, we're talking to some fans in Starbucks right now, they're asking about us.

Me: You're so fucking horny all the time it's ridiculous. Use your hand.

"Who tops?" One tried to ask Calum quietly. I pretended not to hear it and I heard Calum started laughing.

Me: They just asked Calum who tops, thinking I didn't hear it.

Mikey: Oh god. Tell them we take turns.

Me: Lol

I looked up at them and rose an eyebrow, a smirk making it's way on my face. They all blushed knowing that I heard the question. "Who do you think?" I asked. Their eyes went wide and Calum started laughing again. "I'm serious."

"Michael." One said. I did nothing but laugh and shrug my shoulders. Calum laughed harder and their eyes get even wider. I didn't say anything else and put my phone away.

"I called it!" One yelled, getting stares from everyone in the building. Calum started laughing all over again and I joined him this time. "I so called it! His shoulders are too wide for him to be a bottom."

"I'm right here." I said, trying not to laugh at her. They giggled again and just started talking quietly to themselves so I looked over at Calum. "I wonder if Michael and Ashton's day has been this eventful."

"What did they do?" Calum asked. I shrugged my shoulders.

"I don't know. All I know is Michael is blowing up my phone as we speak." I said.

"Why?" He asked with a chuckle.

"He wants us to get home." I said and looked at him, waiting for him to understand.

"Tell him to use his hand." He whispered in my ear. I laughed as he pulled away from me, wiggling his eyebrows.

"I did." I said. "But to be honest, it's not the same." He smiled and shrugged his shoulders as he shoved his hands in his pockets.

"Agreed. It's not." He said with a laugh. I finally pulled my phone out of my pocket and gaped at it.

"57 text messages from Michael. 2 from Ashton." I said. Calum looked over my shoulder and touched Ashton's name.

Smash: Please hurry and get home. I'm tired of his whining.

Smash: Seriously Luke, I don't even care how loud you are tonight, just fix him please.

We both laughed at the last one and I touched Michael's name, scrolling through, laughing at some and just smirking at others. "Ew. You guys are gross." Calum said.

"You don't have to be reading over my shoulder you know." I said, lifting an eyebrow at him. I heard the girls giggling again as they listened to us talk. I got another message from Michael and it was a picture so I locked my phone really fast and put it away.

"Did he just-" I cut Calum off again.

"Yes." I said. We both looked at the girls behind us and they were watching us intently. I looked back at Calum and he smiled at me, trying not to laugh.

"How many are there?" He asked, humor in his voice.

"That makes 43." I said.

"43?! 43? Are you serious?" I nodded. He then got really close to me. "Do you save them?" He asked quietly.

"Ya." I said with a smile. "Why? Wanna see?"

"No!" He snapped really fast, making me laugh.

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