Ch. 26

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"Me and Calum are going to go out do something today." Ashton said. I looked up and nodded my head. "What are you and Luke going to do?"

"Well I'm going to play video games." I said. He laughed and nodded his head. Calum came out to the main area with Luke trailing behind. Luke walked over and sat on my lap and Calum and Ashton left. "You wanna play COD with me?"

"Sure." He said and got up. We walked back into the little gaming area and I set everything up while he grabbed two controllers and head sets. "You're player one."

"It doesn't really matter, we're playing online." I said, grabbing a controller and getting it to the screen. People's names started showing up and I recognized one immediately. I grabbed my headset with a smile on my face and turned it on. "Megan!"

"What? Oh! Michael!" She yelled back. "It's been so long! How's being gay treating you?" Luke snorted and then started laughing.

"Pretty good actually." I said with a laugh. "Luke shut up."

"Oh! Hey Luke! Nice to see you again- well hear-"

"Megan shut up." Wesley said.

"You shut up Wesley. I fucking hate you." She snapped at him. Me and Luke both laughed again. "I play xbox with all these famous people and I fucking hate all of them."

"Why do you hate me and Michael?" Luke asked.

"Because you're both hot and you're both gay." She said. We both laughed again and she did as well.

"That's not fair. We don't know what you look like." I said.

"Did you get my text?" Wesley asked her. "Ah fuck! Who shot me from behind?"

"That was me. And yes. I just didn't feel like replying." She said. 


"Periods fucking suck! I want to fucking kill myself! Someone shoot me in the head! Put me out of my misery please!" Megan sang, making all of us guys laugh.

"Are they really as bad as girls say?" Luke asked. "I just killed you Wesley! Finally!"

"Lets put it this way. Uterus wants baby. Uterus doesn't get baby. Uterus wants revenge. Uterus stabs you with sharp, sharp knife from inside and that's why we bleed for a week straight."

"Sorry I asked." Luke mumbled, making me laugh. "Did you just fucking shoot me?"

"Yes I did." I answered. I heard Wesley and Megan laugh. "I love you."

"Shut up you asshole." Luke said, but he was still smiling. We didn't say anything for a while, just listened to Wesley and Megan argue back and forth.

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