Ch. 31

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So tour is over and we're at the airport waiting to board our plane to go back home. Megan came with us so she could say bye properly. We're all going to miss her but she did promise to come out and see us, mostly for Cal, but you know. We decided to go sit in the little Starbucks they had. We all ordered drinks and it was calm for a while until we got really bored. Sitting in a coffee place in the airport isn't the best place to be when you play the penis game. But we couldn't think of anything else to do so why not play it? "Penis." Ashton said. We cackled at him and our immaturity.

"Penis!" Luke said louder.

"Penis!" I yelled. Ashton giggled.

"Penis!" Calum yelled even louder than me.

"PENIS!" Meg screamed. We all died laughing as everyone turned to look at us. I high fived her and she smirked at her victory. We all calmed down after a while and I yawned. A lady on the overhead came on and said that our flight was boarding and we all sighed as we got up and walked towards the terminal. Calum had his arm thrown around Megan and she was holding onto him tight. It made me sad for both of them. I pulled at Luke's hand and he looked at me. I pointed at them and he looked, sticking his bottom lip out a little.

"That sucks." He whispered. I nodded my head as he laced our fingers together. "We're should fly her out on her birthday."

"That would be awesome. That's a great eighteenth birthday present."

"It feels weird to hear that she's not eighteen yet and that Calum is nineteen." He said. "That's technically illegal."

"Ya but they haven't done anything yet, I mean, they've kissed but I know they haven't, she told me." I said. He nodded his head and shrugged.

"I'm going to miss you guys." She said as she hugged Ashton first, then she hugged me and Luke at the same time.

"We're flying you out on your birthday." I whispered.

"Shh. Don't tell Calum." Luke whispered. She pulled back and smiled at us before nodding.

"Love you guys."

"Love you too." We said at the same time. She walked over to Calum and he wrapped his arms around her, picking her up off the ground. She wrapped her arms around his neck and he buried his head in hers.

"They're rather cute." Ash said when he came over to us. I smiled and nodded my head. They pulled away from each other and then Calum kissed her.

"Aww!" Luke teased. I chuckled and nudged him towards the gate. We showed the lady our tickets and then headed down the terminal. Ashton and Calum followed behind and Calum was pouting.

"This sucks." He pouted and Ashton gave him a pat on the back. "I already miss her. What is happening to me?"

"Sounds like you're in love." I said, chuckling, making the boys laugh. "You'll see her soon enough and then you can spend a lot of time with her."

"Ya. Think optimistically." Luke said as he put his bag in the overhead compartment. He sat down and I sat beside him, Calum and Ashton sitting behind us.

"So apparently Michael and Megan are dating behind Luke's back?" Ashton said. Luke snorted as I pulled out my phone.

Michael: I don't have a girlfriend? I'm dating Calum...

Calum: You tell em honeypie

Luke: I'm dating Calum ?

Calum: It's not what it looks like babe

"I hate this band." Ashton said as me, Luke, and Calum laughed at our tweets. He only made us laugh harder and he sighed.

"Megan says she saw the tweets and that she hates all of us." Calum said, making us laugh all over again.

"She's awesome." Luke said as he layed his head on my shoulder, closing his eyes.

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