Ch. 23

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"It has been two weeks since the interview and people are still talking about it." I said. "Me and Luke both said that we were over it. Done. They wont leave it alone." Ashton looked up from his phone and sighed.

"Mate, honestly? I've never been in this situation so I don't know what to tell you other than to just completely ignore it. All it's doing is bringing both you and Luke down and it makes me and Calum sad." He said.

"It makes you sad?" I asked. He nodded and was about to speak but his name, well middle name, got called so he went up to the counter to get our drinks. He came back and handed me mine while he sat down.

"Me and Calum talk about you and Luke a lot." He said. "When we found out you guys were in a relationship we talked about how we need to be extra supportive because it would be hard to have to hide from everyone. And when you guys just like, made out in front of us, I wasn't even shocked. I had seriously wanted it to happen for a long time. Nobody goes from hating each other to being best friends a year later without developing some type of feelings for them."

"You knew before we did?" I asked with a laugh. He smiled and nodded his head.

"Calum did too. We bet on it." He said. "I lost. I said it would be a few months, he said at least a year. Had to fork over 100 American dollars."

"Wow." I said. He laughed an took a drink. "American dollars? Why?"

"That's where we were at the time so we agreed on dollars." He said with a shrug.

"Oh, true." I said. "You know, sometimes I feel like we don't include you and Calum and then I feel bad." He waved me off.

"Me and Calum always find something to agree on doing together." He said. "Sometimes we just sit in one of our rooms and talk about different things. Like I said, we talk about you guys a lot, or we write songs. He's always up for an adventure so we go adventuring a lot."

"Me and Luke pretty much watch movies and cuddle." I said with a laugh. "We also like to go to IHOP at three in the morning. Come back at like, four thirty."

"You also like to get it on when I'm trying to sleep in the next room over." He said while giggling. I smiled and shrugged my shoulders.

"Well, I mean, what can I say Ashton? My boyfriend is sexy as hell and I want as much as I can get from him." I said and winked at him over dramatically.

"That you do my friend. That you do." Ashton said in a weird, deep voice that made me laugh. "How many times a day to you tell him you love him?"

"Like, probably around fifty to a hundred, depending on how affectionate I'm feeling. Why?" I asked with a chuckle. He just shrugged his shoulders and smiled at me.

"Does he say it back fifty to a hundred times?" He asked. I nodded my head. "Still?" I nodded again. "You guys really need to get out of the honey moon faze."

"Shut up." I said, rolling my eyes. He laughed at me. "I've never loved someone like I love Luke. We're seriously never leave each other's sides and he still doesn't annoy me."

"I know bud." Ash said. "Did you know that he used to talk about you all the time and say how much he hated you? He would tell the same stories over and over again. I would always just sit there and smirk to myself because you don't talk about someone you hate as much as he talked about you."

"No. I didn't know that." I said, a big smile on my face. "I'll have to tease him about it later."

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