Ch. 4

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"You see a girl and she looks perfect. What is your best chat up line?" She asks us. Ha, too bad I'm gay and don't flirt with girls.

"Uh." Luke strung out. We all looked at him and waited but he said nothing.

"Luke's going first I guess." Ashton said.

"Hi. You look great. You dance hot." Luke said. Ashton laughed and I looked at Luke.

"Which one, you can only pick one chat up line." I said. He looked at me and I saw his lips turn up a little.

"You dance hot."

"You dance hot?" I asked. After my turn and Calum and Ashton going, I said I wanted to change mine because I just thought a a really great one.

"You can't change yours." Ashton said.

"Let's play Titanic. You be iceberg and I'll go down." I said as he kept talking. Him and Calum laughed as Luke turned away from the camera, his eyes wide. I glanced at him and smirked when he resituated his pants.

"So Mikey, you and Lukey gonna play Titanic when we get home?" Calum asked. Luke looked up at me with an eyebrow raised and I smiled at Calum.

"Yep." I said. Luke hit me on the side of the face, making the three of us laugh.

"$5 Luke is iceberg." Ashton said, making Calum giggle. Luke rolled his eyes and looked back down at his phone.

"We take turns." I said. Luke looked at me and slapped me multiple times as Calum and Ashton cackled. "He swal-" He slapped my cheek, if you can even call it that, it was a so soft it wasn't even a slap, more of a tap.

"Luke swallows." Ashton said through laughter.

"So does Michael." Luke said, not looking up from his phone. I rolled my eyes and smiled as I leaned my head on his shoulder.

"You're abusive." I said with a laugh. He looked at me and fake pouted. I poked his lip and he bit my finger before smiling and looking back down at his phone. "It looked like you were having some issues when I said that, you know, resituating your pants and everything."

"Go ahead and keep talking, you wont get laid for a month." He said, not even looking up from his phone. Ashton and Calum laughed again as I pouted. I wrapped both my arms around him and pulled him towards me. He gave me a funny look before I kissed his cheek.

"I'm sorry. I love you. I'll be good I promise. I'll stop, because quite frankly, have needs Lucas." I said. He laughed and pushed himself away from me.

"I hate you." He said with a smile.

"No you don't." I said as I layed my head back on his shoulder and smiled up at him. He moved his eyes down toward me and then rolled them before looking back at his phone.

"There you go being disgusting again." Ashton said. He then layed his head on Calum's shoulder and fluttered his eyes at him. "Oh Calum. I just love you so much. Be my baby daddy." Calum shoved him off and gave him a really weird look.

"A. Never do that again, and 2. I'm pretty sure that you can't have babies, you have a dick, we've all seen it whether we wanted to or not. And to clarify, none of us wanted too." The three of us laughed at Calum because he seemed so disgusted at the thought. We pulled up in front of the house and got out, walking inside. Calum threw himself on the couch and Ashton went into the bathroom. I followed Luke into our bedroom and closed the door behind me. He fell back on the bed and I layed beside him, turning to cuddle into his side.

"You're so annoying sometimes." He said with a laugh. I laughed with him and propped myself up on my elbow. He rolled into my chest and looked up at me. "I love you." I leaned down and he met me half way, our lips connecting. Our door opened and we separated to look over and see Ashton.

"Uh... Carry on." He said as he closed the door quickly. Luke laughed and turned my head towards him to connect our lips again.

"So am I still getting laid or..." I trailed, his lips still touching mine. Luke laughed and tugged at my shirt, which gave me my answer.

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