Ch. 22

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"You've been back on tour for two weeks now right?" We all nodded and he smiled. "How was spending time with your families?"

"I missed Mali more than I hoped." Calum said. I patted his shoulder and he shrugged.

"I can tell you that I missed Jack and Ben a lot less than I thought I would." I said, making the boys laugh. "I'm just kidding."

"No you're not." Ashton said, shaking his head. We all laughed again. "I'm missed my siblings."

"I don't have any siblings." Michael said.

"Sad life." I said with a snort. Ashton giggled and nodded his head. Michael glared at me from across the boys and I stuck my tongue out at him. Calum pushed Michael out of his space and resituated himself on the couch.

"So there was a video that surfaced the other week..." The guy trailed. I very obviously rolled my eyes and then crossed my arms over my chest. Ashton tapped my leg and I looked at him.

'You ok?' He mouthed. I gave him a look and he sighed.

"Then you boys all tweeted about it." He said. "Why were you so mad about it? Not that it was wrong to be mad because I would have been too, especially what was said on the video."

"It was a personal moment between two people and even though it was in public for people to see, it was the fact that they thought 'oh, lets record something personal between two people and put it on the internet for the whole world to see.' That's what made all of us mad." Ashton said.

"So it affected all of you?" He asked and leaned back in his chair.

"Well ya. I mean, no, it wasn't something bad obviously, but it's still and intrusion of privacy even though it was in public. Like, just because you hear it, doesn't mean you need to listen in, and it definitely does not mean that you can post a video online." Calum said.

"Luke, you said you were disappointed." He said.

"I am." I said. "Our fans are usually good about respecting our privacy and they never take it to far to find something out. I'm not mad, I'm upset. The person who made the video obviously doesn't respect privacy otherwise they wouldn't have posted it."

"Luke!" "Michael!" Fans were everywhere as we left the building. I internally groaned as we tried to get through them. "Calum I love you!" "Ashton! Be my baby daddy!"

"Excuse me?!" Ashton asked, turning around to look for the girl who said that. I started laughing and set my hand on his back giving him a push.

"How does it feel to hurt people's feelings Luke?!" Someone screamed. Michael whipped his head around and glared at the girl.

"How does it feel to know that you hurt his?!" He asked. I grabbed his hand and laced our fingers together. She looked taken aback by his out burst. I grabbed his chin and turned his head towards me, looking him in the eyes.

"That's enough." I said sternly. "Let it go."

"Luke! It's Madi from twitter!" I let go of Michael and turned my head to the girl. She smiled and waved at me. I walked over and pulled her into a hug. "Don't listen to her, she's a bitch."

"I wont. Thank you." I said and let go. Michael hugged her as well and smiled as he pulled away. We all got in the car and watched as the girls continued to scream.

"Was that the girl who dm'd you?" Ashton asked. I nodded my head. "Dammit. I wanted to meet her."

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