Ch. 20

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"Hey Karen?" I shouted to her. She popped her head around the corner and looked at me. "You're out of toilet paper."

"Do you want to go to the store and get some for me?" She asked. I shrugged and went to go put shoes on. I found Michael and sat on top of him.

"Come with me to get toilet paper." I said. He sighed and pushed me off him so he could get up. He put his shes on as well and followed me to the kitchen. Karen tried to hand me money and I looked at her weird. "Absolutely not. It's toilet paper. It will cost 7 at the most."

"Mom, seriously, put the money away. You're not going to win with him." Michael said. She glared over at him and he threw his hands up in surrender. She looked back over at me with a stern expression on her face.

"Yes." She said, holding it out to me. I kissed her head before grabbing my wallet and car keys.

"No." I said and dragged Michael out of the house.

"What kind does she get?" I asked him.

"Uh... The soft kind?" He said, more questioning himself. I looked at him with an eyebrow raised.

"Seriously?" I asked him. He shrugged his shoulders and pulled his phone out.

"Hey mom, what kind of toilet paper do we usually get?" He asked. "Ok. Thanks bye." He hung up and looked at me. "She said Cottonelle." I reached out and grabbed the big pack, putting it in the cart.

"I really want gummy worms." I said.

"Oh yes please." Michael agreed and we headed for the candy. He grabbed two bags and threw them in, then looked at all the candy. "Skittles?" I nodded and he grabbed the big bag. "Ok. I'm good." We walked up to the check out and got in line. I looked at the magazines and snorted when I saw me on the cover of one.

"Luke Hemmings cheating on Michael Clifford?" I mocked. He looked at me weird and then at the magazine I was pointing at. "With who even?" He picked it up and flipped through the pages until he found it and stopped to read. I put everything up on the belt and looked back at him.

"It says that you're in a secret relationship with Selena Gomez." He looked up at me and wiggled his eyebrow. "All because she follows you on Twitter." He put the magazine back and shrugged his shoulders.

"Hi. How are you today?" The guy asked, looking up. When he did his eyes went wide. "Oh my god. Luke Hemming and Michael Clifford are standing in front of me." He mumbled to himself.

"Hi." I said with a laugh.

"You're so hot." He said and then covered his mouth. I got red and averted my eyes from him. "I'm sorry, I mean- I- Oh forget it." He looked at Michael, who had an eyebrow raised at him, a not so happy look on his face. The guy scanned all of our things and put put them in bags. I grabbed them and put them back in the cart. Michael pulled out money and payed for all of it as I pushed the cart away. Michael followed behind me, not saying anything.

"He made me uncomfortable." I said.

"You think?" He asked. "He just flirted with you in front of me, knowing that we are dating."

"Ok." I said and stopped walking. He turned around and looked at me weird, stopping as well. "Are we going back to this again? Because That's ridiculous." I whispered to him. He sighed and ran a hand through his hair.

"I'm just- I know it's been a year, but I sometimes still think that you're going to go find someone better and more attractive than me and that you're just kick me to the curb when you do." He said quietly.

"Michael Gordon Clifford, stop feeling sorry for yourself. You have no go damn reason to. You're absolutely perfect in every fucking way and I can't fucking believe that you still think you aren't. I came out to the fucking world for you. I told everyone I was gay for you, in risk of losing all of our fans. I am absolutely 100% in love with you and I'm not going anywhere unless you were the one to fucking leave me. So unless you are, you're fucking stuck with me. Got it?" I asked. He nodded, trying to fight back a smile. "Good. Lets go. I want to lay on the couch and watch Family Guy."

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