Ch. 19

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"What are you talking about?" I asked Michael. He was sitting diagonal from me at the table as we ate dinner with the boys and our families.

"You talk in your sleep sometimes and you say some weird shit." He said. Ashton looked at him as he took a drink of his water. Calum looked over at me and then at Michael.

"I'v never heard him say anything before." Calum said.

"You can sleep through a freight train though, so you couldn't have possibly heard anything if he does talk in his sleep." Ashton said with a giggle. Our parents all laughed as Calum rolled his eyes and crossed his arms.

"What do I say?" I asked him. He shrugged his shoulders and looked up at me.

"It varies." He said. "Some times you just mumble. There was this one time when you were like 'we have to clean her elbow' and I got really confused." Ashton and Calum started cackling and I blushed, making Jack and Ben tease me. My parents looked at me weird and I shrugged.

"What were you dreaming about?" My mum asked me. I shrugged again and looked at Michael before rolling my eyes.

"Well I have to share a hotel room with Calum and that is some of the loudest snoring I've ever heard in my life." Ashton said.

"I do not snore." Calum defended.

"Yes you do." Everyone answered at the same time, laughing when he shrunk in his seat.

"I've gotten out of bed and hit you with a pillow a few times and you don't wake up." Ashton said with a laugh. "I don't hit you soft either."

"You always have been a heavy sleeper." Mali said and nudged him with her shoulder. He nudged her back and then wrapped his arm around her shoulders. They have the best relationship siblings could have and it makes me kind of jealous.

"How was Green Day boys?" Joy asked us.

"Amazing." Michael said. "He was the nicest person ever."

"The best present I've ever gotten from someone." I said and looked at Michael who gave me a cheesy smile. "Billie Joe commented on our height."

"Yes!" Calum cheered. "I was waiting for you to say that he said something about your height. You're like nine feet tall."

"I'm the same height as all of you." I said. "I swear it's my freaking legs, they make up most of my body." Everyone laughed at that.

"You do have great legs." Mali said. Calum looked at her weird. "What? Can't a girl be jealous that her brother's friend has better legs than her?" He rolled his eyes.

"You're legs are fine." I said, looking at her like she's stupid. She waved me off and I looked at Calum. He shrugged his shoulders while everyone else laughed.

"Are you staying here tonight?" My mum asked me. I looked back at Michael who shrugged his shoulders. I looked back at my family and nodded. They all gave us hugs and headed to bed. I walked into my bedroom with Michael following me.

"We'll stay at your house tomorrow night?" I asked. He nodded and jumped into bed. I followed him and pulled the blanket over us. "Do I really talk in my sleep?"

"Yes." He said with a laugh. He looked over at me and then wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me towards him. "Cuddle with me!"

"Sorry." I whispered and kissed his neck, before laying my head on his chest and closing my eyes. He started to run his hand up and down my back and I smiled. I love when he does that just like he loves when I play with his hair. "I love you Michael."

"I love you too Luke." He whispered. "You're my baby."

"Shut up and go to sleep you asshole." I said. He laughed and I smiled before letting sleep take over me.

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