Ch. 34

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"She said she would be here in fifteen minutes." Luke groaned. I rolled my eyes at him and shook my head.

"She'll be here babe. Calm down." I said. Just then I saw Megan talking to a security guard and I looked back at Luke. "See? What did I say?" He looked over to where I was pointing and smiled.

"I'm so excited for this." He said. I smiled and nodded in agreement as she walked over to us. "Thank god you're here. I was going to have a panic attack."

"Shut up Lucifer." She said and hugged the both of us. "So what's the plan?"

"Wait until after the show, when we walk off stage, and just like, be standing right here, but hide so Calum doesn't see you until after. Then when we come off you can come out. Sound good?"

"Great. Where am I hiding now?" She asked.

"Just follow Danny. He knows what to do." I said and pointed at Danny. She turned around and her eyes went wide as she looked at his humongous arms.

"He doesn't bite... Hard." Luke said with a smirk. She glared at him and I laughed. She then followed him as he walked away. We then walked around to try to find Ashton and Calum. They were in the dressing room and when we walked in they looked at us weird.

"Where were you guys?" Calum asked.

"You were gone for like, thirty minutes." Ashton said.

"Making out in the bathroom." I said and flopped on the couch. They both scrunched up their faces before rolling their eyes. "You asked."

"Five minutes guys." A guy said, sticking his head in. I groaned and threw mine back.

"I just sat down." I said and held my hands out for Luke to pull me up. He smiled and grabbed them.

"Babe. If this is gonna work, you actually have to help me." He groaned as he tugged. I laughed and stood myself up, following him and the boys out the door and over to stage side.

"You guys were amazing tonight London." Calum said, a smile on his face. They all cheered and I smiled out at them.

"Thank you guys!" Luke yelled. We all ran off stage and I saw Megan standing there. I nudged Luke and he nodded, Calum was too busy with his ear pieces to have noticed her yet.

"You guys did so amazing!" She cheered. I looked at Calum and his head shot up, eyes wide. He then wrapped his arms around her and she giggled.

"I missed you so much!" He exclaimed. "Happy birthday!"

"You told me this morning." She said.

"I wanted to tell you again." He muttered, but we still heard him. Ashton smiled and rolled his eyes, grabbing the towel that was handed to him. Luke got handed one as well but looked at Ashton and slowly held it our for him to take. I started laughing as Ashton gave Luke a blank look before taking the towel.

"I want to make a face on my pancakes." Megan said. Calum looked at her weird. "It's my fucking birthday. I do whatever the hell I want."

"You heard the lady." Ashton said to the waiter. Megan told him what she wanted and he got our orders then walked away.

"I feel bad bringing you to IHOP on your birthday." Calum said as he wrapped his arm around her shoulders.

"I freaking love IHOP." She said. "I'm more than happy to be here." Luke scooted closer to me and set his hand on my thigh. I laced my arm around his and set my hand on his hand. He smiled at me and used his other hand to move my hair out of my eye for me.

"Thanks." I said quietly, a smile on my face. He then leaned his head on my shoulder and closed his eyes.

"You didn't have to come with us if you were so tired Luke." Ashton said with a small laugh.

"And miss IHOP? No way." He mumbled.

"You guys are so cute." Megan said as she leaned forward to put her chin on her hands, propping her head up.

"Oh, so I talked to John. We're adding more dates onto the tour. We're going to North America." Ashton said with a smile.

"That's awesome guys!" Megan cheered.

"You're too happy for me right now." Luke said. Calum looked down at her and smiled before kissing her head.

"I think you are the perfect amount of happy." He said.

"Ha. Gay." I said, making everyone laugh, mostly because of the irony.

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