Ch. 8

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"Quit it." I said as Michael kept smooshing the mic on my face. I pushed his hand away but he did it again. I eyed him and lifted an eyebrow. "Michael." It probably came out more as 'mimul' because the mic was pushed against my lips so I couldn't move them very well. He laughed and pulled it away. "You're an idiot."

"You guys are ridiculous." Calum said as he leaned back on the couch, crossing his arms with a small smile on his face. The girl, Sara, who was interviewing us, laughed and looked at me and Michael. It seems like all we've been doing lately is interviews and I'm seriously done with them.

"All they do is argue, call each other names, and abuse each other it's really ridiculous." Ashton said with a laugh.

"You guys aren't the lovey dovey type of couple then?" She asked with a smile. Calum snorted.

"When they're not abusing each other, all Michael and Luke want to do is cuddle. They're both bi-polor or something." He said.

"I'm sorry, what was the question again?" I asked. She laughed and looked down at her card.

"Celebrity crushes." She said.

"Billie Joe Armstrong." Me and Michael said at the same time.

"You can't steal mine." He said. I gave a weird look.

"Umm excuse me? I told you that like, last week. You stole it from me." I said. He scoffed and threw his arms up in the air.

"Uh no, you're wrong." He said. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms over my chest.

"Anyways." Ashton said, eyes wide. She laughed again and looked at Calum and Ashton.

"Oh, mine is probably Jennifer Lawrence." Calum said.

"I'm gonna go with Kate Hudson." Ash said.

"Both beautiful ladies." She said with a smile. "So they're literally like that all the time?" They both nodded.

"No we're not." I said.

"Yes we are." Michael said with a laugh. I looked down at him.

"Are we really?" I asked. He nodded his head, a smile on his face as he did so. "Huh. Woops."

"Can we order pizza for dinner?" I asked from the back of the car. Michael looked up from his phone and nodded.

"Yes." He said.

"I was thinking Chinese." Ashton said while looking at Calum. Calum looked back at him weird.

"Was that supposed to be a joke?" He asked. Me and Michael started laughing. "Seriously? I thought we were over that. I'm fucking kiwi."

"I changed your name in my phone to Asian yesterday. People still talk about it and it made me laugh so I changed it." I said. Michael started laughing again as Calum looked back at me.

"You're in mine as Calvin." Michael said, making me and Ashton laugh.

"I have him as Column." Ash said.

"I hate all you motherfuckers." He said and looked down at his phone. I leaned back and layed my head on the window, closing my eyes. I felt Michael nudge me and I opened my eyes again to look at him. He tapped my legs and I turned so he could lay in between them. He smiled and layed his head on my chest, closing his eyes. I wrapped my arms around him and looked around, seeing Ashton and Calum on their phones.

"How much longer is the car ride?" I asked. Calum looked up and back at me then back down at his phone.

"Like three or four hours." He said. I sighed and plugged my ear buds into my phone. Michael grabbed on and put it in his ear. I turned on the music, closing my eyes.

"What do you want?" I asked quietly as I scrolled through my music.

"Ed Sheeran." He whispered with a smile. I smiled as well and put on his favorite one before locking my phone and closing my eyes as well.

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