Ch. 35

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"I bet I could fit that whole slice of pizza in my mouth at once." Michael said as he pointed to the last piece in the box, I looked at the silver ring on his finger and smiled, thinking back to that night. I proposed the night of our three year anniversary, already knowing that he would say yes. That didn't make me any less nervous though. That was a couple months ago and we knew that we would have to put the wedding on hold due to tour but we didn't mind.

"Oh, you're on." Calum said. "$5 says you can't." I snorted.

"He would have done it for free." Ashton said, giving Calum a weird look.

"I know, but I want $5 out of this." Calum said with a shrug. Ashton rolled his eyes and leaned back against the seat, watching Michael.

"You're on." Michael said, picking up the pizza. He rolled it up and I laughed as he put it in his mouth. He looked like a chipmunk and Calum's jaw dropped.

"Oh come on, you knew you would lose. He shoves Luke's dick in his mouth like every night." Ashton said. Michael started laughing, the pizza still in his mouth. He then started to choke and we all started laughing at him.

"You should probably go take care of that before you die." I said, still laughing. He got up and walked over to the trash can. I looked back at the boys and rolled my eyes.

"Did you guys know that Sam speaks fluent French?" Ashton asked. Calum looked over at him.

"That's cool." Calum said, rolling his eyes. I smiled at him, holding in a laugh. He looked at me and then chuckled.

"Right?" Ashton asked, not looking up from his phone, probably texting her. Sam is Ashton's girlfriend and none of us really like her all that much, but as of right now she makes Ashton happy so we put up with it. She's actually quite rude to me and Michael. Doesn't agree with our sexuality. But we don't care. Calum has yelled at her a few times because she's says stupid things. Keep in mind that this happens when Ashton's not around. Speaking of Calum, him and Megan broke up after dating for a year because they kind of fell out of love. It was a mutual thing and they are actually still good friends, she's still friends with all of us. Sam doesn't like her, imagine that, but she doesn't really care. She could kick Sam's ass if it ever came to it, and I would cheer her on.

"Here." Calum said, holding the money out to Michael. He took it with a satisfied smile on his face and sat down next me again. "Oh wait. I gave you $10."

"Sucks to suck I guess." Michael said and pocketed it. Calum rolled his eyes at him.

"What are we doing tonight?" Ashton asked, finally putting his phone away and looking up at us.

"Umm... Nothing." I said. "At least that's what I remember John saying." Ashton nodded his head.

"We should go eat somewhere." He said.

"Lets do that." Calum agreed. "I'm in the mood for a nice, juicy steak."

"Hi. Welcome to Texas Roadhouse. My name is Hannah Can I start you off with some drinks?" We heard and looked up from our menus. Calum's eyes went wide when he saw her. I smiled and looked back down at my menu.

"Uh, ya. I'll have a Corona." Michael said.

"Ya. Me too." I agreed. She nodded and looked at Calum and Ashton.

"And for you two?" She asked, a smile on her face.

"Umm... Can I have a beer on tap please?" Ashton asked. She nodded and looked at Calum before blushing. He was still staring at her. I kicked his leg under the table and he coughed.

"Uh. I'll have the same as him." He mumbled and pointed to Ashton. She nodded walked away.

"You're fucking stupid." Michael said to Calum.

"Ya. You're not going to get a girl if you just ogle at them." I said.

"She's beautiful." He muttered.

"Is Megan dating someone right now?" Ashton asked.

"Uh, ya, I think his name is Kyle." Calum said. Hannah came back with our drinks and blushed again as she saw Calum staring at her.

"Ok. Are we ready to order?" She asked. I lifted my beer to my mouth and started to take a drink.

"Uh ya, I'll have a tbone with your number." Calum said. I spit out my beer and started coughing. Michael patted my back as him and Ashton laughed at me.

"I don't even know you." She said, her face bright red.

"My name is-"

"I know your name. Obviously I know who you guys are. But what makes you think that I want to give you my number?" She teased. Calum smiled and shrugged.

"Maybe because I want to get to know a beautiful girl. I wouldn't really be able to do that if you didn't give me your number." He said.

"We'll see." She said, getting the rest of our orders and walking away.

"You're ridiculous." Ashton said, lifting an eyebrow at Calum. He shrugged his shoulders and smiled.

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